Night Visual Approaches – Deserving of a Backup

You’re in the third hour of a cross-county flight which will push your landing in to the night hours. Your destination is a first time visit and ATC instructions will require a non-standard pattern to the unfamiliar airport. Or perhaps, arriving at a pilot-controlled airport, the temptation to fly a non-standard arrival is too great due to the lack of activity at this late hour. Sound realistic or something that has happened to you ?

Tips to Help Streamline IFR Training

When stressed learning to fly approaches, it is very easy to…

Performance in the Real World – Part 2

Takeoff performance calculations start with a chart from the airplane's POH but there may be more to the story. We'll take a look at one of these charts along with the conditions and notes on the chart that many pilots overlook. We'll also address what to do when the runway just doesn't fit the mold defined by the chart.

Happy Anniversary

This week I will celebrate the 29th anniversary of my 29th birthday. …

7 ways to stay informed about Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs)

Presidential TFRs will be popping up more and more throughout the year as we approach the 2012 election this fall. Find out how you can stay informed about them and not get caught off guard.
Report card grades

Are you grading yourself as a pilot?

One of the best ways to become a better pilot is easy, free and doesn’t require a flight instructor. Sound too good to be true? Hardly. In fact, you may already do it, at least in some form.