Quiz: How Does The Body React To Flight?

Do you know how the human body will react when exposed to the…
Traffic Pattern

Quiz: Flying The Traffic Pattern

Check out our latest pilot quiz to test your flying knowledge of airport traffic patterns, landing directions and appropriate techniques for operating around the airport.

Airport Signs and Markings (Interactive Scenario)

All airports with ATC control towers in the U.S. (and some non-towered airports) use a standard set of pavement markings and elevated signs to guide pilots from the parking airport to the active runway. Test your knowledge of their location and meaning in this interactive exercise so that you’ll be well prepared on what to expect when taxiing at a large airport.

Quiz: Basic Aircraft Aerodynamics

As much as it seems sometimes that airplanes fly by magic, it's important for every pilot to understand at least the basic fundamentals of aerodynamics. These principles dictate not only how the aircraft stays aloft, but what makes it either stable or unstable.

Quiz: Understanding the airplane Pitot-Static System

The pitot-static system is the source of valuable flight information…

Quiz: Airplane Weight and Balance

Calculating the airplane's weight and balance is a mandatory task you must complete before every flight. Many of an airplane's performance, handling, and structural characteristics are a function of weight and balance, not to mention the safety risks associated with operating an overloaded or out-of-balance airplane.

Test Your Knowledge with This IFR Acronyms Quiz

Can you define all these IFR aviation acronyms?
View of landing runway with reduced visibility.

Quiz: Regulations for Instrument Flight Rules

Instrument flying requires you to know a lot of rules, from clearance limits to airspace requirements. Can you answer all these regulations questions and stay legal in the IFR system?
Aircraft Engine - Feature

Quiz: Aircraft Engine Operations

Aircraft engines can provide thousands of hours of reliable service, provided that they are maintained and operated properly. From the pilot's perspective, this involves learning the best practices for power control, leaning procedures, cooling, and other operational considerations.

Quiz: IFR Approach Chart Symbols

Do you know how to interpret the codes and symbols on an IFR approach chart?