Quiz: IFR Approach Chart Symbols
Do you know how to interpret the codes and symbols on an IFR approach chart?

Quiz: Landing Techniques
While it may be true that any landing you can walk away from is a good landing, there is certainly something to be said about always striving to make better landings. Most experienced pilots would be willing to admit that the perfect landing is much more of an art than a science. Take this quiz on landing techniques to hone your touchdown knowledge in search of consistently smooth and safe landings and see if you can squeak out a perfect score.

Quiz: Weather theory for pilots
There is one constant in aviation that affects every flight, no matter if you're flying as a student pilot in the practice area or flying for the airlines from coast to coast – the weather. Developing a sound knowledge of weather theory is critical in the early phases of flight training to assist with making the important go/no-go decision. Take our latest quiz and test your knowledge on the fundamentals of weather theory.

Quiz: Understanding the airplane Pitot-Static System
The pitot-static system is the source of valuable flight information for the pilot. But how does it work and what instruments are affected? Take this quiz to find out if you have mastered the finer details of the pitot-static system.

Quiz: Wake Turbulence Avoidance
Wake turbulence is an invisible hazard that presents an additional challenge for pilots operating light airplanes out of busy airports. Take our latest quiz and test your knowledge of proper avoidance techniques.

Quiz: Traffic Spotting Techniques
All pilots must maintain vigilance in order to see and avoid other aircraft. In a see-and-be-seen environment you should continuously scan all areas visible from the cockpit. But do you know the best method to accomplish this? What about at night? Take this quiz and test your ability to spot a potential traffic conflict and avoid a dangerous collision.

Quiz: Airspace classifications and rules
You'll likely pass through several classes of airspace on every flight, whether it's your first solo or a cross-country flight to the beach. Each class of airspace is depicted with unique markings on the sectional chart and different VFR weather minimums and equipment requirements. Take our latest quiz and test your knowledge of the U.S. airspace system.

Quiz: Preflight Planning an IFR Flight
There are many details to consider when planning a flight under Instrument Flight Rules. Mix in some inclement weather, and the workload increases exponentially. Answer all these questions correctly and prove you have the keys to unlock a successful IFR flight.

Quiz: Can You Identify These Airport Signs and Markings?
Taxiing around large airports is often one of the more challenging aspects when learning to fly. Studying the various signs and markings in preparation for operating at an airport with a complex taxiway and runway layout will help you better understand the system and improve your situational awareness as you move from the parking area to the active runway.

Quiz: Runway Safety
Ground operations at busy tower-controlled airports can be challenging…