
Excuses to Proceed with a Checkride (You Probably Shouldn’t be Using)

If you do proceed forward with a test with any of these or other handicaps already identified, you will get a fair shake from a DPE. However, they can’t stretch the standards because of conditions or circumstances. You will have to perform to the same standards despite any outside pressures as you would if you did it on a day when these pressures were not present.
ils critical area

Ask a CFI: What is an ILS critical area and when should I hold short?

The critical area for the instrument landing system is located near the ILS antenna array, where an airplane on the ground (or vehicle) in that space could interfere with the radio signals for airplanes flying an ILS instrument approach. An ILS consists of two separate facilities that operate independently but come together in the cockpit to enable both lateral and vertical precision guidance.

Pilot’s Guide to Class E Airspace

Class E airspace is often confusing because it's not clearly depicted on the sectional chart but it’s crucial to understand its boundaries

VFR Flight Following–a pilots’ guide

ATC will serve as another set of eyes in the sky to keep you apprised of other traffic targets that could be a threat. You also gain the benefit of safety alerts from ATC and perhaps even weather advisories.

Ask a CFI: will I be tested on every item found in the ACS?

No, the examiner has some discretion on what elements are evaluated. The…

“NORDO” – 5 tips for avoiding loss of communication

While a quiet frequency is not uncommon, if the change was abrupt, that’s a warning sign of a communication issue. Even on a quite frequency, if the silence continues for an extended period (5-10 minutes perhaps), a radio check may be in order.

Starting flight training later in life: some tips for success

As we get older, most of us get worse at being a student—no matter what the subject. After all, you’re used to being the expert. So if you’re considering learning to fly after your 40th birthday (or your 60th—you really aren’t too old to start), remember these tips. 
Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo

Home Simulator Flying and Flight Training

Home computer flight simulation technology has made impressive leaps forward over the past 10 years. Finally, stock software made by companies like Microsoft allow for at-home flight simulation real enough to provide tangible benefits.

Flight Training Frustrations

We’ve all been there - you feel like the harder you practice to get it right and the more repetition involved, you still plateau, or worse, you regress. Sometimes it seems like there’s nothing you can do about it but keep spinning your wheels.

6 professional development tips for aspiring pilots

The aviation job market has never been stronger. If you’re one of the many thousands who one day aims to make a career as a pilot, there is plenty of advice and helpful tips to be mindful of as you begin your career path that are sure to pay dividends in the future. Here are six tips I wish I would have learned much earlier in my journey.