How Many Hours is Average to Earn a Pilot Certificate?
I went back through a bunch of practical tests I had given and came up with some averages of how many hours people had when they completed practical tests. The goal was to answer the question, how many hours does a pilot typically have when they complete a private or commercial pilot certificate and instrument rating? So, I compiled hours for each event from each practical test I have given through the end of 2023 and this is what I found.

What would you have done?
I turned my head left to look out the side window hoping to make sense of what I was seeing, but the pitch blackness with only a couple lights was of no help. I immediately looked at my G5 [attitude indicator], and what I saw made my head spin! For a split second I questioned whether my G5 had malfunctioned.

Why I fly
I have learned problem solving,
Getting me and the airplane out of a fix.
I use those skills every day,
So that is reason number six.

How I hit my flight training budget within $50
Following the checkride, I totaled all the money I spent on training to discover it was $50 less than what the flight school manager had estimated at the beginning.

Tough flight instructors are worth it… most of the time
Tough instructors go beyond FAA standards and deeper than the textbook to teach you things that really matter, in ways that make an indelible impression. Over the years, I’ve had a few right seat companions who deserve the adjective “tough,” but in looking back over those lessons I'm glad I had them.

My first solo flight
Well, here goes nothing. Full throttle, airspeed is alive, rotation at 55 knots and climb out at 74 knots. I turn crosswind, then downwind, and base. My turn to final is a little wide so I corrected back onto the extended centerline for runway 22 for a descent, but safe landing. I did it! FIRST SOLO! I could not help but smile and be proud of myself. What a rush! The feeling is incredible.

Details matter in ATC clearances
When reading back your clearance, don’t leave out pertinent details – Students often look for ways to shorten their read back to ATC. Although there is nothing wrong with this practice, early student mistakes are normally made when they omit key details.

Reaching New Heights
The proud owner explained that it was a 1934 Waco S3HD--the only one of its kind still flying. I didn’t think it was possible, but my heart swelled, and I felt even more lucky to be co-piloting, let alone riding in his prized possession.

My experience as a rusty pilot
People who could fly airplanes had an elite reputation in my mind; one that seemed too far-fetched for me to consider. So my teenage years were filled with school, sports, and summer jobs outside occasionally interrupted by the distinct hum of an engine passing overhead.

Converging aircraft – what would you have done?
Aircraft Y called a 5-mile final behind us. We continued down to the runway and made a safe landing. We came to a full stop on the runway to clean up the airplane and make a very short debrief because Aircraft Y, landing behind us, was on a 1-mile final as he made a radio call. We made a radio call stating that we were departing Runway 5.