An actual instrument approach to minimums
During your instrument training, you routinely fly instrument approach procedures to “minimums” under simulated conditions. The more likely scenario when flying under instrument flight rules (IFR) is the option to complete the flight under visual flight rules (VFR), flying a visual approach procedure, or flying an instrument procedure in which you acquire the runway visually well above the charted “minimums.”

Pilot certificates are not participation trophies
A statistic was recently shared with us that indicates that in the past approximately 6-months, it appears first-time pass rates on private pilot airplane single-engine land practical tests are hovering somewhere in the 50-60% range. Take this to heart, please. It means that nearly half of our pilot applicants are failing their first attempts at a private pilot certificate.

Nothing brings together the aviation community like an AOG event
“AOG (Aircraft on Ground)” is the term used in aviation to indicated the aircraft is grounded or unairworthy. While it could be for technical reasons, it’s more often referencing a mechanical issue of some variety.

License to learn and a long cross-country
I determined from this experience weather is as forecast only part of the time. Sometimes it may be better but other times it will be worse, so assume forecasts are more like opinions than facts. “This is what license to learn means,” I thought to myself as I was bumping along in the warm summer air. No, the big lesson was yet to come.

Airport Bums
If you're a student pilot, your lessons are probably consumed with trips to the practice area, planning cross countries and honing your pattern and landing skills - fun stuff. Even those of us with thousands of hours will stay sharp by going out on a sunny Sunday to practice turns around a point.

Break the error chain with your iPad
The day you have been preparing for the past 3 months has finally…

What I learned by attending the Aircraft Electronics Association Annual Convention
I had the pleasure of attending the 64th annual Aircraft Electronics…

My experience as a rusty pilot – Part IV
Some of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever witnessed were from the left seat of a Cessna. Time saved by flying to a destination rather than driving can’t be overlooked. Taking in the rolling morning fog or enjoying the red, orange, and yellows of fall above the seven hills of Cincinnati is a view that even Monet would have trouble fathoming.

My experience as a rusty pilot – Part III
My first official step toward renewing recency took place on a cold, rainy day in early February, 2020. I remember walking into the Airman Medical Examiner’s office slightly nervous for my inspection of personal airworthiness. Would the examiner pick up on my orange hue from all the rust that had accrued and rule me out as an eligible pilot?

My experience as a rusty pilot – part II
Deep down there was a continuous longing in my gut, head, and heart to get back into the front of the airplane. A few months before my path started veering back towards aviation, I remember confidently telling a friend (after he’d asked the last time I went up) that I would get back into flying.