Training Beyond the Certificate
There’s no doubt your checkride was conducted within the parameters…
5 Tips to Avoid Mistaken Airport Identity
In November, a Boeing 747 that was supposed to deliver parts…
Your Personal Required Equipment List – 7 Must Have Items
During your training you’ll learn what aircraft equipment is…
Flight Service Stations can do more than you think
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It doesn't take long for student pilot to be confused by, or…
6 aviation cliches that are true – and 3 that are not
Aviation is filled with "experts." These self-appointed sages never miss a chance to share their tips for safer flying, usually from the lofty perch of a rocking chair at the FBO. But not every cliche can be discarded. Most of them exist because there's a kernel of truth.
Picking Up Where You Left Off
One of the more difficult aspects of pilot training is starting…