First solo

Share #MyPilotProject with us

We all have our own personal pilot projects, goals we are working towards in our flying careers. Maybe it's something momentous like a first solo or a checkride, or maybe it's something simple like a new airport to visit or a long cross-country to plan. At Sporty's, we want to celebrate the pilot projects in the aviation community. Here's how.

Giving back – a fun day at the airport

Like many of you, my flying has been on a hiatus for the past…

A Brief History of the World (of Aviation)

The Beginning October 12, 1492.  July 4, 1776.  July 20, 1969. …

Magic carpet rides

On June 19, 2019 we departed Lake Hood’s (PALH) 2,200 foot…

Top 5 summer flying activities

The summer is still young and adventure awaits!  The good weather is upon us, Fly Ins are scheduled, and you can smell the pancakes in the air.  The freedom and adventure of general aviation knows no bounds.  Seize the moment this summer and stop dreaming, start flying.

Instagram disease in aviation – don’t catch it

Above a hashtag like #pilotlife or #instaaviation, you'll often see a picture of an exotic seaplane on a fishing trip in the Bahamas, a tundra tire taildragger landing on a remote river bed in Utah, or an airline pilot posing like a model with an “I worked all morning to look like I just fell out of bed” look. It's alluring, but it's not real life.

My unexpected bush pilot adventure

Want to do some bush flying in Alaska? “Yes, yes I do.” It took all of 1.3 seconds for me to reply when an opportunity arose to fly the backcountry of Alaska for a couple days. Flying a taildragger in the remote wilderness should be on every pilot’s bucket list.

Fun flights for a new pilot

So you’re getting comfortable as pilot in command and you’ve completed those first big milestones: solo and private pilot certification. Now what? Well you’re probably working toward an advanced rating, maybe eventually a career in aviation, or just having fun. With flight training, consistency is the name of the game, but I’d recommend you stop and smell the roses.

Introducing Friday Photo – share your special aviation moments

Friday Photo is a new installment to Sporty's Student Pilot News for…

My first passenger flight experience

After you earn your license, there’s a feeling of freedom.…