More Keeping Flying Fun

The last time I posted, we looked at flying just for fun and some of the fun things that you can do with your pilot certificate, now let's take a look at what I would call some of the "fun ratings" available to you. These are ratings on your pilot certificate that you may not use on a regular basis but are a lot of fun to pursue.

Keeping Flying Fun

When was the last time you saw an ad that said "Come Learn to Fly Just for the Fun of It?" It is like we have forgotten that flying is an amazing and fun thing to do! Learn more about the forgotten fun of flying in the linked article.

A Tale of Two Trips

This summer, my family and I have decided to take a number of mini-vacations centered around our enjoyment of roller coasters and amusement parks. During the month of June, we have had the opportunity to visit 2 parks outside of our home park. On one trip, we elected to use a general aviation airplane; on the other, we elected to drive our mini-van. This blog will compare those trips.

Log your flights with photos and video

We're all required to log our flight times and landings to prove FAA currency, but this only tells part of the story of a flight. Here you'll learn how you can record a more memorable experience from your flight by using a smartphone or portable cockpit camera to capture the sights and sounds.

Destination flying

June 2, 2005. I had just landed N73028 in a 15 knot crosswind on runway 5 at OGG. "Maui Ground, Skyhawk 73028 to the Tee Hangars." "Aloha 028 taxi ahead on Alpha, left on Golf cross runway 2 then straight on Kilo to the hangars" Yep, you heard it right, I was on the ground at Kahului airport on the island of Maui in the state of Hawaii. No, I didn't fly there from the mainland, my flight had originated from OGG earlier that morning. This was one of the most exciting flights of my life.