4 options for exercising your freedom to fly

For most people here in the USA, the Fourth of July is a celebration…
camping with airplane

25 reasons to fly this summer

It's easy to get stuck in a rut, making the same flights time after time. That's not only boring, it's bad for your flying skills. One of the best ways to become a better pilot is to take on new challenges, whether it's a new airplane or a new destination. So with that adventurous spirit in mind, let's consider 25 reasons to get out and go flying this summer.

Share your aviation adventure with us

Sporty’s StudentPilotNews welcomes you to share your aviation…

Flying IFR – I follow rivers, roads and rails

In 1998 my Christmas present from my wife Rose Ann was a Magellan…

The Places Flying Can Take You: Underwater Flying

When I learned to fly, some 30 years ago now, I imagined that becoming a pilot would broaden my horizons. But although all of those were amazing adventures and experiences, they all took place in the sky. I never dreamed that learning to fly might open up opportunities for me to explore the ocean, as well. But it did.

720 Miles at 1,000 Feet

And the winner is... I belonged to a motorcycle club called…

An AirVenture Oshkosh to Remember

GA shines on the world stage I’m just back from the greatest…

5 Tips for Solo Cross-Country Flying

Learning to fly is an amazing experience. And flying solo is a part of the experience that can really get your blood pumping. While the excitement never subsides, I’ve found these five tips really help to make my flights safer and more enjoyable.

That Doesn’t Look Like My Airplane!

An activity that many pilots enjoy involves sitting at the airport and watching other pilots takeoff and land. While enjoying this pastime you may see some aircraft that look a bit different from your typical trainer. Join us as we take a brief look at some of the "other aircraft" that you might see.

Change of Scenery

There will be days during your training when it seems tough to get excited about another lesson consisting of basic flight maneuvers. Here are some ideas to discuss with your instructor when you're looking to change up your flight lessons a bit.