Supplemental oxygen is used to prevent hypoxia during flying.
Supplemental oxygen is used to prevent hypoxia during flying. Reduced atmospheric pressure means less oxygen in your lungs and less oxygen in your tissue. Symptoms of hypoxia are cyanosis (a blue tint to the tissue around the tips of your extremities and lips), tingling or numbness in the extremities, and a feeling of euphoria. As hypoxia progresses you become sleepy
If not corrected it will lead to unconsciousness and death.
FAR 91.211 (supplemental oxygen) provides oxygen use requirements including the altitudes at which pilots must use supplemental oxygen and provide oxygen for passengers. Oxygen is also recommended when flying at night at above 5000 feet (see this post on the oxygen use requirements at
Pilots can monitor their oxygen saturation, or SPO2, which is the percentage of oxygen their blood cells are carrying, via a pulse oximeter. Normal oxygen saturation is 96% or higher when breathing the air on the ground. This saturation number will decrease as altitude increases due to the atmosphere becoming less dense the higher we fly.
Our atmosphere is made up of 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen; the remaining 1% is small amounts of different gases.
The most common way to deliver oxygen is from an installed system or a portable system. Both systems consist of a tank, a regulator (controls the flow), and either a mask or nasal cannula that the pilot and passengers wear. Oxygen cannulas are not approved for use above 18,000 feet. Above this altitude, you must wear a mask. Some systems also include a directional flow indicator to indicate that oxygen is moving from the tank to the mask or cannula.
The most common way to deliver oxygen is from an installed system or a portable system.
All oxygen is not the same.
There are three grades of oxygen: medical oxygen, aviator oxygen, and industrial oxygen.
Medical and aviator oxygen is 99.5% pure, and industrial, or welders oxygen, is 99.2% pure. The biggest difference between medical and aviator oxygen is the moisture content. Medical oxygen can contain 67 ppm of moisture. Industrial oxygen can contain 50 ppm of moisture. Aviation oxygen can contain 7 ppm of moisture—this is very dry oxygen as moisture in an oxygen system can freeze at altitude and prevent the system from working correctly. Another difference is that medical oxygen typically requires a prescription from a physician.
The last grade is industrial oxygen which is used for welding purposes. This grade of oxygen typically has a high percentage of moisture and is not filtered for very small particulates and is not as pure.
You should always ensure that you are using aviator oxygen when flying. Use of other grades can lead to hypoxia. Carnahan Carnahan2024-11-22 08:55:322024-11-22 12:27:16Oxygen basics for pilots
This fast-paced presentation covers a wide range of practical topics on flying with the iPad and the ForeFlight Mobile app. Led by Bret Koebbe, an active pilot and flight instructor at Sporty’s and Editor of iPad Pilot News, this presentation will explore topics applicable to pilots of all iPad experience levels. This includes how to turn the iPad into your digital copilot, tips for flying with ADS-B weather on your iPad, and how to use ForeFlight to improve your flight planning.
Topics include:
– Leveraging an iPad when flying
– Flying with ADS-B weather
– Using ForeFlight to improve flight planning Training Central Staff Training Central Staff2024-11-21 08:55:322024-11-20 15:12:57Webinar Video: Flying with the iPad as a Digital Copilot
As you enter the cross-country planning phase of your private pilot training, you’ll learn the skills required to plan long-distance trips using a VFR sectional, plotter, E6B flight computer and Navlog. This will teach you the core planning skills necessary to fly to a new airport and allow you to fly the trip via pilotage (looking for landmarks on the ground) and dead reckoning (heading, groundspeed and time en route calculations).
This week’s tip takes a look at the first phase of this planning process and shows how to use a plotter and sectional to measure the trip distance and determine the exact direction you’ll need to fly. We’ll explore the second phase of the planning process by using an E6B flight computer and filling out a NavLog in a future video tip. Koebbe Koebbe2024-11-20 10:00:252024-11-20 15:14:03Video tip: How to use a sectional plotter to plan a cross-country flight
Cold weather can mean better airplane performance and some beautiful winter sunrises, but it can also mean potential danger from the airplane’s exhaust manifold heating system. Since 2010, there have been 12 fatal aircraft accidents where CO impairment was the primary root cause. In the small, unpressurized cabins of general aviation aircraft, any carbon monoxide (CO) that enters the cabin can quickly reach a significant and dangerous concentration. Here’s what pilots need to know about carbon monoxide: where it comes from, how to prevent it from entering the cockpit, and what tools are available for detecting it.
Carbon Monoxide Dangers
Most light airplane heaters use a shroud around the exhaust to warm ambient air, which is a simple and effective way to keep pilots and passengers warm. Unfortunately, a leak in the exhaust system means carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless, tasteless—and potentially deadly—gas, can enter the cabin.
This is dangerous because CO essentially tricks your blood into bonding with it instead of oxygen, starving your body of what it needs. With enough exposure, this can lead to symptoms of hypoxia (anemic hypoxia, specifically). At low levels, that might mean just a headache, but over a long enough period of time or with high enough CO concentrations, that might mean impaired decision-making or even incapacitation. Worst of all, your brain won’t notice anything is wrong—if you don’t have some way to monitor CO in the airplane, you might never know it’s there.
Sadly, accidents can and do happen. In fact, I narrowly avoided one myself a few years ago. A crack in the exhaust sytem of the helicopter I was flying meant unfiltered exhaust gasses were pouring into the cockpit every time I pulled the cabin heat knob. It was only because I had a good CO detector that I stayed out of the NTSB reports.
Heaters in most light airplanes use air that is warmed by passing through a shroud around the hot engine exhaust pipes—the most likely source of carbon monoxide.
Carbon Monoxide Prevention
One way to avoid this scenario is to perform a good preflight inspection every time you fly, paying particular attention to the condition of the exhaust system. Look for any cracks, holes, or hot spots, which might indicate a leak. Since much of this is hidden with the engine cowl on, have your mechanic do a thorough inspection of all exhaust parts at every oil change and annual, too.
The easiest thing to do is use a carbon monoxide detector on every flight. If you buy a quality device and make it part of your regular checklist, you’re much more likely to detect a leak before it becomes a major problem. In fact, the NTSB now strongly suggests that all airplanes have some type of CO detector on board. All CO detectors measure concentration in parts per million (ppm), and alert pilots with some combination of lights, audio alarms, and even vibration.
So how much is too much? The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) uses 35 ppm as its lower limit, although it’s important to note that this is based on a time weighted average (TWA), taken over 8 hours. OSHA uses 200 ppm as a 5-minute sample ceiling, and 1500 ppm as an instantaneous limit.
In our experience, pilots should err on the side of caution. Certainly a concentration of 200 ppm should get your attention right away: turn off the heat, open the fresh air vents, and consider landing. It’s highly likely you have an exhaust leak. But pilots can also be impacted by much lower levels. Even 35 ppm, which could be caused by poor airflow or even the landing gear being down, can cause confusion, fatigue, and poor decision making if it persists for an hour. For that reason, we like units that alert at 35 or 50 ppm.
Flying with a CO detector is only helpful if you know how to use it. Make sure the batteries are fresh and the sensor is replaced every few years, as directed by the manufacturer. Also keep it in your direct line of sight—it doesn’t have to be right in front of a vent, but it should be some place where you can see it without having to move your head much.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
There are hundreds of CO detectors on the market. However, most of them are not well suited for aviation. They may not alert until CO concentrations reach over 100 ppm, or they may not have an alarm that’s audible in the loud cockpit of a general aviation airplane. Here are four options we have flown with and recommend.
Tocsin 4. This compact model features three alert modes—a 90 dB audio alarm, flashing red lights, and vibration—so you will notice it in the cockpit (trust me!). The built-in screen gives you a real time indicaton of CO ppm, but it’s still small enough to mount almost anywhere. You can use the sturdy clip to keep it attached to a seat belt or mount it to the panel so it’s in view. The default low alarm is set at 35 ppm and the high alarm is set at 100 ppm. It also has a TWA setting for 8 hours, but this is less important unless you’re troubleshooting a persistent problem. More Info
The Tocsin 4 features three alert modes—a 90 dB audio alarm, flashing red lights, and vibration.
Forensics 2.0. This new version of the Forensics Carbon Monoxide Detector boasts brighter LED alarms, a soft rubber touch feel, a larger LCD display, and a key ring for battery replacement. The CO alarms are set at 9 ppm with red LED and 25 ppm with an audible buzzer sound (70 dB) to ensure maximum protection. These alarm levels were chosen based on recommendations from the World Health Organization and Environmental Protection Agency. The CO alarm includes smart detection algorithms designed in the USA. Unlike regular CO alarms for the home, this detector is designed to detect CO levels at an early stage before the situation becomes dire.
Unlike regular CO alarms for the home, the Forensics 2.0 is designed to detect CO levels at an early stage.
ForeFlight Sentry Plus. This all-in-one ADS-B receiver does more than just receive weather and traffic. It also features a built-in CO detector that alerts pilots via a loud audio alarm, a flashing red light on the device itself, and a pop-up alert in the ForeFlight app. This makes Sentry Plus a solid safety tool for every flight, and it can be mounted out of the way if necessary.
The Sentry Plus features a built-in CO detector that alerts pilots via a loud audio alarm, a flashing red light on the device itself, and a pop-up alert in the ForeFlight app.
Lightspeed Delta Zulu Headset. The Lightspeed Delta Zulu is the first headset with a built-in carbon monoxide detector and alerting system. It works right out of the box: simply put the headset on and press the power button—you’ll automatically get audio alerts anytime unsafe levels of CO are detected. Because you use a headset on every flight, you’ll enjoy always-on protection.
Because you use a headset on every flight, you’ll enjoy always-on protection with the Lightspeed Delta Zulu. Zimmerman Zimmerman2024-11-18 08:55:332024-11-05 11:25:08Silent Threat: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Risks for Pilots
Dreaming of becoming a pilot or getting an additional rating? EAA can help your aviation dreams become a reality.
EAA awards more than $135,000 each year to students to pursue flight training. All applications are reviewed against the criteria for the individual scholarships and then awarded to those who show the greatest potential to be actively engaged in aviation. Flight training scholarships may be used to cover costs at any flight training school in the United States and Canada that is not a university program and you do not need to be an EAA member to apply.
Additonally, postsecondary scholarships are available to support students attending a postsecondary institution with a focus on aviation, including pilot training, aeronautics engineering, aviation management, airframe and powerplant (A&P) maintenance, and more. These can be used at colleges, universities, technical schools, or community colleges. Training Central Staff Training Central Staff2024-11-15 08:55:372024-11-18 13:15:02EAA accepting applications for 2025 scholarship program
Most of your flight training has likely occurred on a long paved runway as you continue improving your normal takeoff and landing skills. The runway length is likely two or three times longer than the performance charts require, providing plenty of extra margin as you build experience.
The next skill you’ll learn is how to achieve the maximum performance from the airplane by operating from shorter runways to achieve the short-field takeoff and landing distances published in your airplane’s performance charts.
Ready to take your flight training, ground school, and test prep to the next level? Check out more great flight training lessons like this one in Sporty’s 2025 Learn to Fly Course Koebbe Koebbe2024-11-13 12:19:182024-11-13 12:19:51Video tip: How to takeoff and land from a short runway
Oxygen basics for pilots
/in Tips and technique/by Eric CarnahanDid you know that not all oxygen is the same?
Supplemental oxygen is used to prevent hypoxia during flying.
Supplemental oxygen is used to prevent hypoxia during flying. Reduced atmospheric pressure means less oxygen in your lungs and less oxygen in your tissue. Symptoms of hypoxia are cyanosis (a blue tint to the tissue around the tips of your extremities and lips), tingling or numbness in the extremities, and a feeling of euphoria. As hypoxia progresses you become sleepy
If not corrected it will lead to unconsciousness and death.
FAR 91.211 (supplemental oxygen) provides oxygen use requirements including the altitudes at which pilots must use supplemental oxygen and provide oxygen for passengers. Oxygen is also recommended when flying at night at above 5000 feet (see this post on the oxygen use requirements at
Pilots can monitor their oxygen saturation, or SPO2, which is the percentage of oxygen their blood cells are carrying, via a pulse oximeter. Normal oxygen saturation is 96% or higher when breathing the air on the ground. This saturation number will decrease as altitude increases due to the atmosphere becoming less dense the higher we fly.
Our atmosphere is made up of 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen; the remaining 1% is small amounts of different gases.
The most common way to deliver oxygen is from an installed system or a portable system. Both systems consist of a tank, a regulator (controls the flow), and either a mask or nasal cannula that the pilot and passengers wear. Oxygen cannulas are not approved for use above 18,000 feet. Above this altitude, you must wear a mask. Some systems also include a directional flow indicator to indicate that oxygen is moving from the tank to the mask or cannula.
The most common way to deliver oxygen is from an installed system or a portable system.
All oxygen is not the same.
There are three grades of oxygen: medical oxygen, aviator oxygen, and industrial oxygen.
Medical and aviator oxygen is 99.5% pure, and industrial, or welders oxygen, is 99.2% pure. The biggest difference between medical and aviator oxygen is the moisture content. Medical oxygen can contain 67 ppm of moisture. Industrial oxygen can contain 50 ppm of moisture. Aviation oxygen can contain 7 ppm of moisture—this is very dry oxygen as moisture in an oxygen system can freeze at altitude and prevent the system from working correctly. Another difference is that medical oxygen typically requires a prescription from a physician.
The last grade is industrial oxygen which is used for welding purposes. This grade of oxygen typically has a high percentage of moisture and is not filtered for very small particulates and is not as pure.
You should always ensure that you are using aviator oxygen when flying. Use of other grades can lead to hypoxia.
Webinar Video: Flying with the iPad as a Digital Copilot
/in Webinars/by Flight Training Central StaffFlying with the iPad as a Digital Copilot
This fast-paced presentation covers a wide range of practical topics on flying with the iPad and the ForeFlight Mobile app. Led by Bret Koebbe, an active pilot and flight instructor at Sporty’s and Editor of iPad Pilot News, this presentation will explore topics applicable to pilots of all iPad experience levels. This includes how to turn the iPad into your digital copilot, tips for flying with ADS-B weather on your iPad, and how to use ForeFlight to improve your flight planning.
Topics include:
– Leveraging an iPad when flying
– Flying with ADS-B weather
– Using ForeFlight to improve flight planning
Video tip: How to use a sectional plotter to plan a cross-country flight
/in Video Tips/by Bret KoebbeAs you enter the cross-country planning phase of your private pilot training, you’ll learn the skills required to plan long-distance trips using a VFR sectional, plotter, E6B flight computer and Navlog. This will teach you the core planning skills necessary to fly to a new airport and allow you to fly the trip via pilotage (looking for landmarks on the ground) and dead reckoning (heading, groundspeed and time en route calculations).
This week’s tip takes a look at the first phase of this planning process and shows how to use a plotter and sectional to measure the trip distance and determine the exact direction you’ll need to fly. We’ll explore the second phase of the planning process by using an E6B flight computer and filling out a NavLog in a future video tip.
The video clip below is from Sporty’s 2025 Learn to Fly Course
Silent Threat: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Risks for Pilots
/in Tips and technique/by John ZimmermanCold weather can mean better airplane performance and some beautiful winter sunrises, but it can also mean potential danger from the airplane’s exhaust manifold heating system. Since 2010, there have been 12 fatal aircraft accidents where CO impairment was the primary root cause. In the small, unpressurized cabins of general aviation aircraft, any carbon monoxide (CO) that enters the cabin can quickly reach a significant and dangerous concentration. Here’s what pilots need to know about carbon monoxide: where it comes from, how to prevent it from entering the cockpit, and what tools are available for detecting it.
Carbon Monoxide Dangers
Most light airplane heaters use a shroud around the exhaust to warm ambient air, which is a simple and effective way to keep pilots and passengers warm. Unfortunately, a leak in the exhaust system means carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless, tasteless—and potentially deadly—gas, can enter the cabin.
This is dangerous because CO essentially tricks your blood into bonding with it instead of oxygen, starving your body of what it needs. With enough exposure, this can lead to symptoms of hypoxia (anemic hypoxia, specifically). At low levels, that might mean just a headache, but over a long enough period of time or with high enough CO concentrations, that might mean impaired decision-making or even incapacitation. Worst of all, your brain won’t notice anything is wrong—if you don’t have some way to monitor CO in the airplane, you might never know it’s there.
Sadly, accidents can and do happen. In fact, I narrowly avoided one myself a few years ago. A crack in the exhaust sytem of the helicopter I was flying meant unfiltered exhaust gasses were pouring into the cockpit every time I pulled the cabin heat knob. It was only because I had a good CO detector that I stayed out of the NTSB reports.
Heaters in most light airplanes use air that is warmed by passing through a shroud around the hot engine exhaust pipes—the most likely source of carbon monoxide.
Carbon Monoxide Prevention
One way to avoid this scenario is to perform a good preflight inspection every time you fly, paying particular attention to the condition of the exhaust system. Look for any cracks, holes, or hot spots, which might indicate a leak. Since much of this is hidden with the engine cowl on, have your mechanic do a thorough inspection of all exhaust parts at every oil change and annual, too.
The easiest thing to do is use a carbon monoxide detector on every flight. If you buy a quality device and make it part of your regular checklist, you’re much more likely to detect a leak before it becomes a major problem. In fact, the NTSB now strongly suggests that all airplanes have some type of CO detector on board. All CO detectors measure concentration in parts per million (ppm), and alert pilots with some combination of lights, audio alarms, and even vibration.
So how much is too much? The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) uses 35 ppm as its lower limit, although it’s important to note that this is based on a time weighted average (TWA), taken over 8 hours. OSHA uses 200 ppm as a 5-minute sample ceiling, and 1500 ppm as an instantaneous limit.
In our experience, pilots should err on the side of caution. Certainly a concentration of 200 ppm should get your attention right away: turn off the heat, open the fresh air vents, and consider landing. It’s highly likely you have an exhaust leak. But pilots can also be impacted by much lower levels. Even 35 ppm, which could be caused by poor airflow or even the landing gear being down, can cause confusion, fatigue, and poor decision making if it persists for an hour. For that reason, we like units that alert at 35 or 50 ppm.
Flying with a CO detector is only helpful if you know how to use it. Make sure the batteries are fresh and the sensor is replaced every few years, as directed by the manufacturer. Also keep it in your direct line of sight—it doesn’t have to be right in front of a vent, but it should be some place where you can see it without having to move your head much.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
There are hundreds of CO detectors on the market. However, most of them are not well suited for aviation. They may not alert until CO concentrations reach over 100 ppm, or they may not have an alarm that’s audible in the loud cockpit of a general aviation airplane. Here are four options we have flown with and recommend.
Tocsin 4. This compact model features three alert modes—a 90 dB audio alarm, flashing red lights, and vibration—so you will notice it in the cockpit (trust me!). The built-in screen gives you a real time indicaton of CO ppm, but it’s still small enough to mount almost anywhere. You can use the sturdy clip to keep it attached to a seat belt or mount it to the panel so it’s in view. The default low alarm is set at 35 ppm and the high alarm is set at 100 ppm. It also has a TWA setting for 8 hours, but this is less important unless you’re troubleshooting a persistent problem. More Info
The Tocsin 4 features three alert modes—a 90 dB audio alarm, flashing red lights, and vibration.
Forensics 2.0. This new version of the Forensics Carbon Monoxide Detector boasts brighter LED alarms, a soft rubber touch feel, a larger LCD display, and a key ring for battery replacement. The CO alarms are set at 9 ppm with red LED and 25 ppm with an audible buzzer sound (70 dB) to ensure maximum protection. These alarm levels were chosen based on recommendations from the World Health Organization and Environmental Protection Agency. The CO alarm includes smart detection algorithms designed in the USA. Unlike regular CO alarms for the home, this detector is designed to detect CO levels at an early stage before the situation becomes dire.
Unlike regular CO alarms for the home, the Forensics 2.0 is designed to detect CO levels at an early stage.
ForeFlight Sentry Plus. This all-in-one ADS-B receiver does more than just receive weather and traffic. It also features a built-in CO detector that alerts pilots via a loud audio alarm, a flashing red light on the device itself, and a pop-up alert in the ForeFlight app. This makes Sentry Plus a solid safety tool for every flight, and it can be mounted out of the way if necessary.
The Sentry Plus features a built-in CO detector that alerts pilots via a loud audio alarm, a flashing red light on the device itself, and a pop-up alert in the ForeFlight app.
Lightspeed Delta Zulu Headset. The Lightspeed Delta Zulu is the first headset with a built-in carbon monoxide detector and alerting system. It works right out of the box: simply put the headset on and press the power button—you’ll automatically get audio alerts anytime unsafe levels of CO are detected. Because you use a headset on every flight, you’ll enjoy always-on protection.
Because you use a headset on every flight, you’ll enjoy always-on protection with the Lightspeed Delta Zulu.
EAA accepting applications for 2025 scholarship program
/in News/by Flight Training Central StaffApply by March 1, 2025
Dreaming of becoming a pilot or getting an additional rating? EAA can help your aviation dreams become a reality.
EAA awards more than $135,000 each year to students to pursue flight training. All applications are reviewed against the criteria for the individual scholarships and then awarded to those who show the greatest potential to be actively engaged in aviation. Flight training scholarships may be used to cover costs at any flight training school in the United States and Canada that is not a university program and you do not need to be an EAA member to apply.
Additonally, postsecondary scholarships are available to support students attending a postsecondary institution with a focus on aviation, including pilot training, aeronautics engineering, aviation management, airframe and powerplant (A&P) maintenance, and more. These can be used at colleges, universities, technical schools, or community colleges.
Details of each scholarship, application requirements and FAQs, are available from EAA at
Please also be sure to visit the Flight Training Central Scholarship Directory at
Video tip: How to takeoff and land from a short runway
/in Video Tips/by Bret KoebbeMost of your flight training has likely occurred on a long paved runway as you continue improving your normal takeoff and landing skills. The runway length is likely two or three times longer than the performance charts require, providing plenty of extra margin as you build experience.
The next skill you’ll learn is how to achieve the maximum performance from the airplane by operating from shorter runways to achieve the short-field takeoff and landing distances published in your airplane’s performance charts.
Ready to take your flight training, ground school, and test prep to the next level? Check out more great flight training lessons like this one in Sporty’s 2025 Learn to Fly Course