Entries by Flight Training Central Staff

IFR Insights Episode 1: Flying an Instrument Approach in IMC with Spencer Suderman

Welcome to Sporty’s IFR Insights Series, hosted by Spencer Suderman. Spencer is an airshow pilot and instrument flight instructor and will show what it’s like to fly IFR cross-country trips and instrument approaches. In this first episode, Spencer flies an RNAV approach through rain showers and a low cloud layer into St. Augustine, FL, in a G1000-equipped Cessna 172.

Updated PIC Currency Requirements

A seemingly subtle change to § 61.57 that went into effect in early December has a significant affect on PIC currency requirements. Of course, everyone is aware that three takeoffs and landings in the same category, class, and type (if required) are required to carry “passengers,” but the recent update to landing currency in § 61.57(a)(b) replaces the word “passengers” with “persons.”

February is IFR month at Sporty’s

Throughout the month of February, Sporty’s will be celebrating IFR Month, a four-week focus on the challenges and rewards of instrument flying. In addition to special savings on pilot gear, Sporty’s will also offer a YouTube video series, interactive webinars, live streams and more.

Sporty’s Air Facts Launches the 2025 Richard Collins Writing Prize for Young Pilots

The Richard Collins family has once again partnered with Sporty’s to offer The Richard Collins Writing Prize for Young Pilots. To qualify, the writer must be a pilot (including student pilot) who is 24 years of age or younger. The article must be original, not previously published, and no longer than 1,500 words. The topic should be “my most memorable flight.”

Rectangular Course—Sporty’s Flight Maneuver Spotlight

During your training, you will be introduced to the rectangular course and other ground reference maneuvers. Ground reference maneuvers integrate the fundamentals of flight and demonstrate that you have competence in manipulating the flight controls and applying control pressures to maintain a pre-determined aircraft course relative to objects on the ground.

Share Your Thoughts on the State of Flight Training and Enter for a Chance to Win

Redbird Flight recently launched its fifth annual State of Flight Training Survey. The survey allows all stakeholders the opportunity to share their thoughts on the key opportunities and challenges facing flight training businesses and flight instructors. The information you share helps the flight training community identify trends, priorities, strengths, and challenges to build a brighter future for aviation.

From the Flight Deck Video Series: Line Up and Wait

“LINE UP AND WAIT” is used to instruct a pilot to taxi onto the departure runway and line up and wait, but NOT depart. While it may seem straightforward on the surface, there are numerous examples in which the instructions were not followed creating a dangerous risk of collision. A variety of human factors can explain why a pilot may mistakenly initiate a takeoff.

Top posts from 2024 at Flight Training Central

Flight Training Central published more than 200 content pieces in 2024 and hosted several monthly themes throughout the year including IFR month in February and Learn to Fly month in May. Throughout the year, readers enjoyed articles, video tips, quizzes, industry news, and webinars and took advantage of Flight Training Central’s updated Flight School Directory to locate nearby training facilities.