Entries by Flight Training Central Staff

The four fundamentals of flight with Spencer Suderman (episode 1)

Spencer Suderman shows what to expect on a first flight lesson, from taxiing the airplane to talking with Air Traffic Control to takeoff. He also demonstrates the four fundamentals of flight – straight and level, climbs, descents, and turns – ad shows why a stall is nothing to be afraid of. You’ll hear actual communications throughout the flight and learn valuable tips from an experienced flight instructor.

How to get started learning to fly

For some, flying is a convenient and cost-effective method of personal or business travel. You can set your own schedule, use airports that airlines don’t serve and leave the hassles of security lines behind. For business use, airplanes allow you to do more in one day than you could do in a week traveling by airline. Flexibility, privacy, security and freedom are all great reasons to use a personal airplane for travel.

May is Learn to Fly Month at Sporty’s

May is Learn to Fly Month at Sporty’s, a celebration of learning to fly designed to help new pilots achieve their aviation goals. In addition to offering savings on popular pilot gear and training resources, Sporty’s will be posting inspiring content on its social media channels, presenting webinars, and delivering valuable flight training resources.

IFR challenge from Pilot Workshops: What would you do?

In this PilotWorkshops IFR Mastery scenario, you own a Beech Sundowner equipped with upgraded instruments, an IFR GPS and an autopilot. The Sundowner will take you, your spouse and a family friend from Abilene, Texas (KABI) to McAlester, Oklahoma (KMLC). On approach to your destination, you execute a missed approach in low IFR conditions. Should you try this approach again or cut your losses and head to the alternate?