Entries by Flight Training Central Staff

Pilot’s Guide to Part 107 Drone Operations

The rule for operating unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) or drones under 55 pounds is found in 14 CFR Part 107, referred to as the Small UAS Rule. However, if you want to fly a drone for purely recreational purposes, you only need to abide by a basic set of operating requirements. If you are in doubt as to whether you are flying for recreation or commercial purpose, it is best to follow the guidelines of Part 107.

Ask a CFI: How should a pilot respond to a traffic advisory from ATC?

There are only two official responses to a traffic advisory issued by ATC: 1) “Traffic in sight” if the pilot sees the traffic or 2) “Negative contact” if the pilot does not have the traffic in sight. However, Flight Training Central spoke to ATC personnel on the subject who confirm that the phrase “Looking for traffic” is often used informally and is generally understood and accepted.

VFR Challenge from Pilot Workshops—A Fuel’s Errand

In this PilotWorkshops VFR Mastery scenario, you’re making a 650nm VFR cross-country from Red Wing, Minnesota (KRGK) to Sheridan, Wyoming (KSHR) for a ski trip. About half way there, at your only planned fuel stop in Phllip, South Dakota (KPHP), you discover the self-serve pump is inoperative. Now, with no other airports within comfortable fuel range, you’ll have to find a way out of this mess.

What would you have done?

I turned my head left to look out the side window hoping to make sense of what I was seeing, but the pitch blackness with only a couple lights was of no help. I immediately looked at my G5 [attitude indicator], and what I saw made my head spin! For a split second I questioned whether my G5 had malfunctioned.