Video: grass strip fly-in at Lee Bottom Flying Field

Flying isn't just about airplanes and technology; it's also about community and history. In this week's fun flying video, take a step back in time at Lee Bottom Flying Field, a grass strip on the banks of the Ohio River. Every fall, the privately-owned, public-use airport hosts a fly-in for the "extended family" of pilots, with an emphasis on vintage aircraft.

Seven habits of highly effective pilots

Last week a customer of our flight school earned his Private…

Video: learning to hover a helicopter

Are helicopters impossible to fly? Not really, but they do take practice. In this week's fun flying video, you'll ride along as a brand new pilot learns how to hover both a Robinson R22 and R44 helicopter. From the embarrassing first flight to the physics behind hovering, you'll get an inside look at what rotary wing flight is all about.

Video: flying to Catalina Island in a biplane

The "airport in the sky" is just 26 miles off the coast of Southern California, an easy trip in almost any airplane and yet seemingly a world away from everyday life. Landing at the 3000-foot long runway on top of a mountain requires some preparation and airspeed control, but the view is unforgettable. In this week's video, fly along with experienced pilot Marc Lee as he explains what it takes to fly to AVX, then flies the trip in his stunning Great Lakes biplane.

Save money with these 5 simple flight training steps

Learning to fly is not getting cheaper, but there's no substitute…

Video: taking a glider lesson

Many pilots consider soaring to be the purest form of flying, a delicate balance between airspeed and altitude that requires a deep understanding of aerodynamics. It's also an awful lot of fun, as this video shows. Ride along on an intro flight in a glider to see what an aero tow looks like, how glider pilots find lift, and just how peaceful a glider cockpit can be.