Training under Part 61 vs. Part 141 – what’s the difference?
There are two different sections of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Aviation governing flight training, Part 61 and Part 141. Both set specific requirements and steps for pilots to earn certificates and ratings, but each part has different procedures.

Avoid impairment from over-the-counter medication and CBD products
As we enter cold and flu season, it’s important to be cautious of the compromising effects of cold and flu medication. Additionally, given the proliferation of CBD-based products, it’s also important to note that impairment from these products can compromise a pilot’s ability to control the aircraft and adversely affect judgment and decision-making.

Call for Entries: The Fourth Annual Richard Collins Writing Prize for Young Pilots
The Richard Collins family has once again partnered with Sporty’s to offer The Richard Collins Writing Prize for Young Pilots. To qualify, the writer must be a pilot (including student pilot) who is 24 years of age or younger. The article must be original, not previously published, and no longer than 1,500 words. The topic should be “my first time at the controls of an airplane.”

3 overlooked simulator takeaways for student pilots
When the first consumer flight simulator came to market in 1979, there were very few (if any) takeaways for pilots. As most would assume, today’s simulators are helpful in showing how an airplane reacts in the air (and on the ground), but there are a few lesser known areas of airmanship a simulator can teach.

The dangers of automation
Technological advances in situational awareness have dramatically reduced the number of general aviation controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) accidents. However, the General Aviation Joint Steering Committee (GAJSC) has found that reliance on automation is a precursor to CFIT events.

How to become a pilot – a learn to fly checklist
The process of learning to fly can seem overwhelming at first. But you can do it, and our team of flight instructors here at Sporty’s can help. That’s why we’ve developed this quick checklist of key steps.

How do I choose a flight school?
Once you’ve located some schools, choosing the right one is one of the most important choices you’ll make in training. More than anything, a flight school needs to be a good fit for you--your schedule, your goals and your personality.

Quiz: Can You Identify These Airport Signs and Markings?
Taxiing around large airports is often one of the more challenging aspects when learning to fly. Studying the various signs and markings in preparation for operating at an airport with a complex taxiway and runway layout will help you better understand the system and improve your situational awareness as you move from the parking area to the active runway.

Ask a CFI – traffic pattern departures
The Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) offers two options for departing a non-towered airport traffic pattern – either straight out or a 45 degree ground track in the same direction as the traffic pattern (left if operating in a left-hand traffic pattern or right if operating in a right-hand traffic pattern) after reaching traffic patter altitude (1,000 AGL standard).

Do I need a medical exam to be a pilot?
If you’ve talked to other pilots, you may have heard about “the medical.” Don’t worry—you do not have to have perfect health or 20/20 vision.