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flight sim

Webinar video: Flight Simulators 101 – Leveraging a Home Simulator for Flight Training

In this fast-paced webinar video, Chris McGonegle, a commercial pilot and Sporty’s flight simulator expert, will discuss how to use simulators effectively and how to avoid making mistakes that will degrade your flying skills.

Five Ways to Save Money During Training

The most popular question I address with prospective pilots is how much and when? Of course the time and money variables go hand in hand. While difficult to arrive at an exact date and decimal point, pilots control much of their own destiny and we can provide ranges for time and money with reasonable accuracy based on past performance. 

flight sim

Webinar video: Flight Simulators 101 – Leveraging a Home Simulator for Flight Training

In this fast-paced webinar video, Chris McGonegle, a commercial pilot and Sporty’s flight simulator expert, will discuss how to use simulators effectively and how to avoid making mistakes that will degrade your flying skills.

Five Ways to Save Money During Training

The most popular question I address with prospective pilots is how much and when? Of course the time and money variables go hand in hand. While difficult to arrive at an exact date and decimal point, pilots control much of their own destiny and we can provide ranges for time and money with reasonable accuracy based on past performance.