Video tip: how to fly with the Garmin GFC 500 Autopilot

This week's tip takes a look at the basic features of Garmin's popular GFC 500 autopilot, including how to turn it on and use airspeed, vertical speed, altitude and heading modes.

Video tip: How to handle crosswinds during takeoff

When planning for takeoff, it's best to choose a runway at the departure airport that is most aligned with the wind. Unfortunately, the winds rarely blow right down the runway, so you must learn how to accomplish takeoffs and landings under crosswind conditions. This week's tip looks at the control inputs required and performance implications when performing a crosswind takeoff.

Video tip: how do VORs work?

In the age of GPS and iPad it can be tempting to look past the traditional forms of ground-based radio navigation like VOR in favor of direct-to navigation and moving map displays. It's important you still take the time to understand how to use these systems since VORs serve an important role in the national airspace system and can provide a reliable source of backup navigation.

Video tip: Pilot’s Guide to BasicMed

If you’ve held a valid medical certificate at any point after July 14, 2006, you may never have to see an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) again under the BasicMed rule. This week's video takes a look at how the BasicMed program works, its limitations and the steps you need to take to keep your BasicMed status current.

Video tip: get a “big picture” weather briefing

Checking the weather is one of the few constants in aviation. All pilots do it, whether it’s a trip around the pattern in a Cub or a trip across the Atlantic in a Gulfstream. But merely getting a weather briefing isn’t enough; it has to be a good weather briefing to make the flight safer. So what exactly does a “good briefing” involve?

Video tip: Flying airplanes with retractable landing gear

Many high-performance airplanes feature retractable landing gear that allows them to fly at higher speeds thanks to the reduced drag (and they look cool too). There are new operational considerations to learn when transitioning to this type of airplane, including the best time to raise the gear after takeoff and lower the gear before landing. 

Video tip: Flying internationally (FARs, flight planning, eAPIS and US Customs)

One of the most rewarding trips you can take after earning your pilot certificate is leaving the U.S. and heading to new destinations in Canada, Mexico or the Caribbean. This week's video tip takes a look at what it takes to fly internationally, including flight planning, extra equipment requirements and how to file the required paperwork with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Video tip: How to use a sectional plotter to plan a cross-country flight

As you enter the cross-country planning phase of your private pilot training, you'll learn the skills required to plan long-distance trips using a VFR sectional, plotter, E6B flight computer and Navlog. This week's tip takes a look at the first phase of this planning process and shows how to use a plotter and sectional to measure the trip distance and determine the exact direction you'll need to fly.

Video Tip: How to land a Piper J-3 Cub tailwheel airplane on grass

The rugged design of a tailwheel airplane and its extra prop clearance opens up the opportunity to land at a wide variety of off-airport locations with soft surfaces, like sand, gravel bars, grass and even mud. A modified soft-field approach and landing technique should be used when operating in these conditions, which allows the wheels to touchdown at the slowest possible airspeed with the wings supporting the weight of the airplane as long as possible.

Video tip: what kind of cloud is that?

Clouds are often referred to as "sign posts in the sky", and for good reason since they are one of the best visual indicators of what mother nature has planned for the weather. This week's tip takes a look at the various types of clouds, when and where they form and what kind of flying conditions pilots can expect when flying in and around them.