Kid in airplane

Picking Up Where You Left Off

One of the more difficult aspects of pilot training is starting…

5 Ways to Beat the Winter Flying Blues

For those of us not flying in sunny, warm climates all year round,…

Five Ways to Make Bad Landings

What? Huh? Yes, you read the title correctly. There are many…

One checklist that works in every airplane

Do you fly the airplane, or is your checklist really the PIC? It may sound funny, but an awful lot of pilots are slaves to their checklists, blindly following them as if it’s a set of assembly instructions for a piece of furniture. You can and should do better.
Kid in airplane

Getting Back Into Flying

In my position, I talk to all sorts of pilots looking for flight…

Flexible Flyer

Earlier this year, I wrote about my family's plans to take a…

4 Tips for Effective Study

There’s no hiding the fact that earning a pilot certificate…


Airmanship can be defined as the ability of a pilot to properly…

Going paperless with your logbook

Over the past 3 years pilots have been quickly transitioning…

You’ve Heard of the Pre-Flight, but what about the Post-Flight?

There’s never a good time for something to break, especially…