You’ve Heard of the Pre-Flight, but what about the Post-Flight?

There’s never a good time for something to break, especially in aviation.  But things do break and airplanes do require care and service, so if there were a theoretical “good” time for something to go inoperative, surely it’s after completing a mission when there’s time to consider options and have any squawks dealt with in an appropriate manner.  And even make alternate plans for the next trip if need be.

preflight1A great deal of time, effort and thought (appropriately so) is invested in the time-honored tradition of the pre-flight inspection.  After all, the PIC does have the final say as to whether the flight will go.   But…in the interest of convenience, safety, less headache and less disappointment, the best time to discover that your airplane needs attention is the lower stress environment of post-flight.

What’s new or different in a post-flight inspection?  In terms of exterior inspection, it should be the same.  You’ll want to use the same deliberate flow around the exterior of the aircraft checking for anomalies along the way.

In terms of interior inspection, while I’d hope we’re bringing back everything we left with, this would be a good time to take a look through the flight bag.  Need any spare batteries?  Flashlights in good order?  Charts and/or databases current?

preflight2And how about the condition of the interior – windows clean?  Fire extinguisher charged?  Trash collected?  Finally, master switch off?  Flight plan closed?

Consider a checklist for the post-flight duties.  It will take just a moment to jot down the critical items you’d like to check before securing the aircraft and will ensure your next flight starts off on the right foot.

There’s nothing worse than a surprise during pre-flight that could have been caught at post-flight.  Do yourself a big favor and get in the habit of good post-flight inspection.

A Tale of Two Trips

This summer, my family and I have decided to take a number of mini-vacations centered around our enjoyment of roller coasters and amusement parks.

Living in Southwest Ohio, we are close to a top roller coaster destination in a park known as Kings Island.  Kings Island is home to the world record holding wooden coaster known as “The Beast” along with a number of other award winning coasters and rides.  It was the home to one of my favorites, Son of Beast, but alas it is no more, but I digress.  The park is part of the Cedar Fair family of amusement parks which includes the world renowned roller coaster destination, Cedar Point, on the shore of Lake Erie in Northern Ohio.

Since Cedar Fair is a family of parks, they have an option to get a platinum level pass which allows parking and entry at all of their parks.  We decided to opt for that pass this year.

During the month of June, we have had the opportunity to visit 2 parks outside of our home park.

On one trip, we elected to use a general aviation airplane; on the other, we elected to drive our mini-van.  This blog will compare those trips.

Carowinds by General Aviation

Carowinds-2013-06 001Our first trip during the month of June was to Carowinds along the North and South Carolina border.  Carowinds is located about twenty minutes from the Charlotte Douglas International Airport in Charlotte, North Carolina.  In fact, the park is located due south of the airport along the extended runway centerline for runway 36 center.

Driving to the park would have taken about 7 ½ hours without breaks or stopping for gas but we wanted to visit this new park to us in a single day.  Flying to Charlotte Douglas in a Piper Aztec was a less than 2 hour flight.

We departed the Sporty’s/Clermont County Airport early in the morning and arrived in Charlotte about 45 minutes before the park was scheduled to open.  The kids had barely made a dent in the battery life on their electronic games.

Storm systems had moved through the Charlotte area the night before but we only encountered a layer clouds in the area when we arrived.  Other than some stations reporting marginal weather due to clouds and visibility, there was little to see on the ADS-B supplied weather in the cockpit.

Wilson Air Center had our rental car ready at a great pilot rate and supplied us with directions to the park since my wife and I had both forgotten to grab the auto GPS from our van in Ohio.

Carowinds-2013-06 002The trip to the park was quick and easy and the kids enjoyed the day trying out the new coasters and rides.  My mother, who first introduced me to roller coasters back before there were many height limitations, also enjoyed the trip.  The Intimidator and Afterburn coasters were family favorites.

The trip back to Clermont County was smooth and uneventful, which is how I like my flights to be.  We all slept in our respective beds that evening after a fun filled day of adventure.

Kings Dominion by Van

WashingtonDC-2013-06The second trip took a bit longer.  The drive to Doswell, Virginia, the home of Kings Dominion, is around 8 hours from our home with no breaks or stops.  We elected to start our drive after my wife got home from work and stopped after about 5 hours at a motel in West Virginia.  Since this park is just over an hour south of Washington, DC, and the kids had never been, we finished the drive to a DC Metro station the next morning and spent the first full day of our trip walking around our nation’s capital in the rain.

After that full day and a nearby tornado, we finished the drive to our motel within easy walking distance of Kings Dominion.

KingDominion-2013-06We explored the park and its attractions over the next couple of days before making the drive back to Ohio once again.  Without a doubt, Intimidator 305 was a family favorite at this park.  Beyond the NASCAR theming, it is a completely different ride than the one that shares the root of its name at Carowinds and it is one of only 3 Giga coasters in North America.  The kids also enjoyed Volcano: The Blast Coaster and an older coaster known as Avalanche.

During the drive home we encountered the edge of some weather that had caused problems the night before in Ohio and would later cause Kings Dominion to close early.  We were also slowed for quite awhile by an accident that had nothing to do with the weather.  The GPS led us down some winding and twisting roads that really threw off its time estimates, especially at night with wet tires.  The kids passed the time with DVD after DVD until we arrived safely at our cozy and welcoming home.

Piper Aztec Vs Dodge Grand Caravan

These two trips were comparable in distance.  Now that they are in the past, I’ve have had some time to reflect on both journeys.

As you can well imagine, there is a difference in cost when travelling by Aztec vs. Grand Caravan.

Based on our current rental rates, about 4 hours in an Aztec would run just over $1100.  The ramp fee at Wilson Air Center was $25 since I didn’t need fuel and the rental car with fuel was less than $50 for the day.  You could fly for less in a smaller airplane but would need to plan for a bit more time.  I had 4 passengers with me so I needed the additional seats.  The cost for this trip would be around $1200.

Our Grand Caravan got about 21 miles per gallon while on the trip.  Taking out the side trip to DC, we were looking at just over 1000 driving miles or about 50 gallons of gas.  Gas averaged $3.75/gallon for the trip for a cost of around $187.50.  While not a direct cost, I would estimate wear and tear cost at around $200 (half of the difference between standard mileage rate and cost of gas) for this trip.  For a single day at the park, 2 hotel nights would likely be needed at around $75/night.  This trip would have a direct cost of around $350 plus you would be looking at additional meals away from home and wear & tear on the vehicle.  The total cost for this trip with these items factored in would be around $700.

Time is where the Aztec wins hands down.  The Aztec trip could be and was completed in a single day.  The van trip would take 2 ½ – 3 days.  For this reason, Mom was able to get away and join us on the Aztec trip but couldn’t get away for the van trip.

When it came to the two modes of transportation, both had their advantages and disadvantages but I think that my daughter summed it up best when asking about our next mini-vacation in a few weeks, “We are going to fly there, aren’t we?

Always Have an Out

ifr-11I always have a plan B. Typically, when flying, I also prefer to have a plan C and D in case of an emergency or if things don’t go according to plan. This could mean simply taking into account nearby airports along your route in case of emergency, filing an alternate when flying IFR (even if the regulations don’t require it), or any other contingency whether major or insignificant.  My point is to always have an “out” when flying.

Having an out is more important, and harder to come by, when your flight involves weather. For example, en route or destination thunderstorms, icing or high winds all demand fuel planning, alternate airport examining, terrain consideration, and possibly a review of holding procedures. If, in some cases, a plan B is not available, consider flying on another day.

More than 10 years ago when I was a brand new instrument flight instructor, I was asked by a friend to help him fly a 172 from Madison, WI (KMSN) to its new owner in Shreveport, Louisiana (KDTN).  My friend was a commercial, instrument rated pilot who worked as a ramp controller for a local airline. On the side, he made money and built flight time all around the country flying any recently purchased aircraft to its new owners.

Abbotsford at minimumsThe flight he asked me to accompany him on was forecast to include low IFR conditions (less than 1,000 feet ceilings and 1 mile visibility). He was current to fly IFR but felt more comfortable having me there to share the workload.  And he offered to split the money he would make. I was excited to build flight time, especially some actual IFR, and to make some extra money. Because he worked for an airline, we were able to fly standby that night to KMSN.

We woke early the next morning to a thick fog – worse than forecast. The cab brought us to the airport. We inspected the airplane, the documents, and the maintenance records while waiting for the weather to improve. We loaded our bags on the airplane. Everything was unfolding as expected except for the weather. It was worse than forecast for the entire route offering limited legal alternate airports to file (FAR’s require 600 foot ceilings and 2sm visibility for an airport with a precision approach).

We were able to find a fuel stop at the halfway point with an alternate nearby, both of which had precision approaches. The same was possible for our destination. So far, we were legal to fly. But just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it is smart. Most of our route had ceilings less than 400 feet and less than 2sm visibility, and the tops of the clouds were above flight level 180. We delayed the departure hoping the weather would improve, which it did not. It was time to make a decision.

I had been playing out scenarios in my head. Engine failure/fire in IFR conditions, although unlikely, should be considered and discussed with your instructor. I thought about electric fire/failure, and how that would affect our flight. The maintenance records showed no problems with the airplane and I even spoke with the mechanic about any aircraft squawks.

After examining the weather depiction chart, my biggest concern was that from the minute we took off from KMSN, we could not make it to VFR conditions in any direction for the entire day’s forecast. If we lost our electrical system, we had no communication, no GPS, no VOR, no NDB, no backup GPS, and no hand held radio. We had only our pitot static and vacuum systems, which offer an altimeter for altitude and heading indicator for heading. If you lost your electric system, your plan B would be to get to VFR conditions and find an airport to land. We were facing IFR conditions along our entire route without a backup Nav/Comm to navigate.  We had no “out” in an emergency.

Chances are we would be fine. Everything would probably work well, but I still didn’t feel comfortable. I told my friend what I thought and he agreed. After waiting until noon to begin the flight, we decided to call the new owner to tell him we weren’t coming. The new owner was not happy. He was a pilot and had been checking the weather as well and didn’t understand why we wouldn’t go.

The airline flight back to Cincinnati proved the weather was in fact true to the forecast for all of the Midwest. The Regional Jet carried us through solid IFR. We only saw the ground for a couple minutes; the first few hundred feet after takeoff, and the last few hundred feet before touchdown. But deep down I still felt like maybe I was too cautious – that I missed out on a great flying experience and that we disappointed the airplane owner.

A few days later, my friend called me to tell me he flew that 172 to KDTN. He flew it down on a beautiful day with no clouds and unlimited visibility. Yet the tone of his voice said there was more to the story. “But I lost my alternator shortly after departing KMSN,” he said. I was shocked!

What if we had flown on that IFR day? An alternator failure isn’t a total electric failure. But the best we could have done is declare an emergency, ask ATC for a heading to the nearest airport with a precision approach. Then turn off our master switch until the time when we expected to arrive. After turning the master switch back on, we may have had enough electric power left in our battery for an attempt at a precision approach to land. But thankfully, we had avoided that nightmare scenario.

Flying in IFR conditions, when rated to do so, is the best way to build your experience and stay proficient. If you’re flying as single pilot, I strongly suggest doing so with an autopilot you know how to use well. Every time you fly you will need to plan for many different potential scenarios. After that sobering experience, I always take time to study the weather depiction chart to determine the best direction for VFR conditions in case of an electric failure.

While this is just one consideration for one scenario, for your own safety, always have an “out.”

A Practical Approach to Using an iPad During Flight Training

Many students beginning their training often ask the question “is the iPad the right tool for me in my flight training?” There are many schools of thought on the use of technology during flight training and I couldn’t possibly cover all of them, so rather than try, I will stick with how we recommend the use of technology in a balanced learning approach to flight training.

15935Does the iPad have a place in flight training? Yes, if used properly.

Depending on if you are working on your first certificate (Sport, Recreational or Private) or if you are adding on the Instrument Rating to your Private certificate, the use of an iPad will differ greatly on how best to integrate it into your training so as to not provide an unnecessary distraction or complication. The most important rule that you should follow when using an iPad, regardless of VFR or IFR, is to learn to use all of its functions properly! Fumbling to find a required piece of information or getting lost into the sea of images and functions will only delay or compromise your training, not accelerate it. Spend the time to learn the features of the iPad and the aviation program that you are using. This time can be by yourself with the help page or a tutorial video, or it can be spent with a qualified instructor who has experience in that app. Either case, this training time will save you money and make your investment work for you during your training.

VFR Training

One of the most important decisions about using an iPad during VFR training is to decide when do you want to begin using the device? The right answer is as soon as you get it, but with one large caveat; don’t bring in the air until you’re ready. The iPad is a fantastic tool to use during ground training and preflight briefings. Its notepad functions are extremely useful for detailing items to remember from ground lessons. Using the internet or an aviation app allows access to a sea of weather information to help during the go/no-go decision. Having access to PDF documents of the Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, or the Aviation Weather book, along with the POH for your aircraft and a FAR/AIM app, will turn your lightweight iPad into the largest library you can carry with you. These tools you can begin using on day one.

I mentioned that you shouldn’t bring the iPad into the air with you until you are ready. How do you know when is the right time? Your instructor will often be the best judge, but in absence of their judgment, I would wait until after you have soloed the plane and have mastered basic flight and flight maneuvers. The use of the iPad in this critical VFR, outside perspective time, can distract from subtle learning cues whose importance can’t be overstated in the long term of your flying. I often use the milestone of consistent travel to other airports as a good marker to help introduce the iPad’s flight usability to a primary student.

The inflight moving map feature is probably the most important, obvious assistant to the new pilot. Its easy to use, self-locating functions help a student pilot get from A to B that much easier, but a word of caution; don’t rely on GPS-based moving maps as your sole source of pilotage/dead reckoning information. I always teach my students how to use just the map feature without GPS positioning before I allow them to use all the full features.

One of the most anticipated, welcomed capabilities of most aviation apps is using the flight planning section to calculate your dead reckoning, fuel burn, time en-route, and other cross country related items. The unfortunate problem with this immediate use of technology is the over-reliance on it later in flying. The best way to handle this is the balanced approach I referenced to early. For each automated feature (like fuel burn calculations, time en-route, wind correction angles, etc.) learn the manual way FIRST! This might seem like double duty, or perhaps even a slow-down in your training, but it won’t be. The knowledge that you gain by learning “the old school method” will allow you to appreciate the speed and simplicity of the app, but more importantly it will help solidify these important learning concepts in your head (i.e. How long does it take to travel 10 NM at 120 kts?). Learning these key objectives and how they interrelate to other topics in aviation is one of the foundations that aviation teaching has been using for decades.

Other useful tips for VFR

When planning a VFR cross country, one of the shortcomings of many aviation apps is the inability to specify a fuel/distance to climb, different fuel burn rates based on altitudes, and time to climb performance. The best way to overcome these is to use a blended approach from “old school” paper and POH and the technology of the app. Using a TOC (top of climb) waypoint that is calculated based on POH numbers can be used as an add-on to the time and fuel calculated by the program to increase its calculations’ accuracy. Using a GPS to help update your dead reckoning planning (like you would with a timer and Pilotage checkpoints) will help keep you honest during your cross country flights. Don’t forget that sometimes an E6B app is still the only way to get the calculation that you want. Don’t be afraid to supplement the information from your app with some common sense and manual numbers.

IFR Flying

Geo-referenced approach plates

Geo-referenced approach charts can be a great training tool.

If using an iPad and aviation apps for VFR flying is good, then using them for IFR flying is great. An app like ForeFlight can become your best friend in the IFR world for resource information, calculations, situational awareness, and cockpit management. But before you rush out and burn your paper TPP’s, there are still some things to consider.

IFR flying as a rule is less forgiving than VFR. As such, our understanding of the device and software go from important to critical. All the basic rules listed above for VFR flight come into play in the IFR world: things like know the “old school” method before you let the automation do it for you, or know where to find source information so as to not be surprised when asked for something unexpected. If I have a student wanting to train with an iPad for IFR training, we sit down and have a full ground lesson dedicated to the safe use of it in flight. Failing to understand what the app does for you behind the scenes could leave you in a perilous situation if the app decided to fail (i.e. situational awareness).

IFR chart information is often separated in most apps to be in different locations than you might think, and in several cases not all information is automatically downloaded; you have to select certain supplements and download them in a different location. Knowing where to find this information and having it current and downloaded is vital to using these wonderful tools in IFR. A great example of this is the digital terminal procedures supplement in ForeFlight. This is located in the documents section and contains vital information like legend data, inoperative components table for non functioning lighting equipment, and climb/descent tables. Without this key supplement, “going digital” would leave you without required information that you might need or an examiner might ask for.

When practicing multiple approaches, know how best to locate different approach charts for close-by airports and practice switching them on the ground.  In many apps you can create folders or favorites that allow you to access these faster without having to search the whole database. Setting these up in advance is one of the items that we teach as a preflight action for cockpit management and organization for an IFR flight (local or cross country).

For those students who are having difficulty with situational awareness, or if you are flying without a panel mounted GPS, one of the options available to you is geo-referenced approach plates. This feature will allow your iPad (with GPS) to depict the aircraft position on the approach plate plan view. When flying without additional situational awareness tools (like IFR approved GPS) this additional feature can be a tremendous help to getting you aware and prepared for your approach. I don’t recommend it for all students, as the additional cost can be a deterrent for some, not to mention unnecessary depending on the other equipment in the airplane.

Safety Concerns

When going to an all digital solution for VFR or IFR flying, there are obvious safety questions that should be answered and anticipated. This topic is so vast, rather than covering it in this article, it is easier to refer you to this article to fully explain these important preparation concerns.

Decision time

Deciding when, how, and with what, to go digital with your iPad in flight training is a topic that you should give great consideration to and discuss with your instructor. Given certain precautions and using it in a balanced manner, the use of an iPad and aviation app will greatly aid your flight training, regardless of VFR or IFR. These tools are invaluable and offer a tremendous value to help you learn faster, cheaper, and fly safer.

Log your flights with photos and video

One of the interesting things about the flight training process is that each individual’s experience will be different. We all train at different airports, fly different types of airplanes, and work with different instructors. The journey towards the certificate will be unique to each person as well – including the weather you’ll experience, the transient airports you’ll visit, and the people you’ll meet along the way. Of course your logbook will document the basic facts about your training and experience, like aircraft type & registration numbers, the identifiers of the airports you visit, and detailed flight times. While the logbook entries satisfy the requirements of the FAA, there’s so much more you can document along the way.

Photo Journal

Meigs_BKDigital cameras were just gaining popularity when I started flight training in 1999. Growing up I was always interested in photography, so I made sure to always have my big Sony with me for every flight. And today it’s even easier with the great quality pictures that can be quickly taken with an iPhone, Android or other smartphone. Looking back I’m glad I made the effort to take hundreds of aviation photos, from the day of my first solo to the ATP checkride, and of many trips in between. Here are some ideas for pictures to take when the opportunity arises:

  • Aircraft – get photos of each of the aircraft you fly, both of the exterior and instrument panel.
  • People – I keep a photo record of all my instructors, along with the friends and family that I’ve taken flying, with the airplane in the shot of course.
  • Milestones – first solos, certificates, and new ratings; these are a must for the photo journal.
  • Dynamic Weather – look for interesting cloud formations, distant thunderstorms and morning valley fog.
  • Scenic Airports – I like to get shots both from 1,000’ above the airport looking down, and another on short final (who would have guessed Meigs Field in Chicago was going to close when I took the picture above in 2003?)
  • Sunsets/Sunrise – these never get old, and the dynamic colors make each one unique.
  • Cockpit shots – it’s always fun to get shots of the altimeter the first time you’re above 10,000’, a picture of the GPS screen on international flights when crossing the US border and shots of groundspeed indications with an exceptionally strong tailwind (how else is someone going to believe you were doing 180 knots in a Cessna 172???)

Video Log

IMG_0049Ten years ago you would have had to spend thousands of dollars to get mediocre video (by today’s standards) from the cockpit. Now for as little as $299 you can get a GoPro portable HD camera that easily mounts just about anywhere in the cockpit and records high-quality HD video. For those who want the best picture and sound, you can spend a little more to add the NFlightcam Kit for GoPro, which adds a lens filter to eliminate prop distortion and an audio cable to record the intercom and ATC audio. Once you have a camera set up, here are some ideas for what to shoot:

  • Takeoffs/Landings – position the camera out the front for an exciting pilot’s view at interesting airports.
  • Pilot & Passengers – mount the camera so that it records you flying and the passenger riding along – great especially for someone’s first flight in a GA airplane.
  • Terrain – position the camera pointed out the side window towards the wing when climbing or descending through mountainous terrain.
  • Instrument Panel – this makes for great review for instrument students during training.
  • Flight Training – mount the camera in a way to see either the flight controls, or outside the window to review your performance after flight lessons.

The NFlightcam accessory kit for iPhone helps you stabilize and set up the iPhone for video shooting.

For those that already have an iPhone, consider using this to record the video from your flights. The iPhone 4S and 5 both record full 1080p HD video that often looks as good or better than dedicated video cameras. You’ll want to secure it in the cockpit for a stable picture, and to do that I’d recommend the NFlightcam accessory kit for iPhone. This includes a mounting cradle, prop distortion reduction filter, and an audio cable to record intercom and ATC audio from the flight. The main drawback with recording video on the iPhone is that you’ll need to have some free space available on your phone to store the video. To give you a frame of reference, 10 minutes of video recording on the iPhone requires about 1.4GB of free space.

One last important point – make sure to back up your pictures and video files. You’ll most likely transfer them first to your computer for organization and review. I highly recommend you then back these memories up to either an external hard drive, or to an online “cloud” based storage. Computer hard drives don’t last forever, and your flight photo journal and video logs would be impossible to replace.

For more information on using video cameras in the cockpit, check out Sporty’s in-depth webinar on the subject:

Air Traffic Control room

Question authority – and ATC

Many new pilots regard Air Traffic Controllers with a mix of respect and fear. They seem to be a divine voice, unseen but all-knowing, orchestrating the movements of dozens of airplanes from a dark room. So it’s only natural that we trust them and want to follow their instructions no matter what.

But as Ben Franklin famously said, “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.” Franklin may have meant that in a revolutionary way, but the same basic idea still applies today. Whether it’s a kid questioning his parents or a driver talking to the police officer who pulled him over, there’s nothing wrong with double-checking that the authority is correct (just be respectful about it).

Trust but verify, as they say.

This same philosophy applies to pilots and ATC. While most controllers are outstanding at what they do, they are human–and humans make mistakes. When we’re talking to ATC, it’s all too easy to assume they’re in control and you don’t need to think anymore. Resist that temptation. You are still pilot in command, and the one ultimately responsible for the safety of your flight.

Air Traffic Control room

Here are just a few scenarios where you should be especially alert:

  • Line up and wait–At some airports, you will be cleared to “line up and wait” on a runway (some controllers may still say “position and hold”). That means you are cleared to enter the runway and line up for takeoff, but you are not cleared to start your takeoff roll until ATC clears you specifically for that. There’s nothing wrong with this procedure, but you should be very impatient (maybe even paranoid) in this situation–you are on an active runway, unable to see any traffic that may be coming in to land. That’s a very vulnerable place to be. So if you’re told to line up and wait and you’ve been on the runway for more than about 20 seconds, don’t hesitate to remind the controller that you are holding in position. He probably hasn’t forgotten, but the last thing you want is an airplane landing on top of you. Some pilots even start a timer when they enter the runway, so they know how long they’ve been there.
  • Terrain avoidance–You take off and request a left turn on course. ATC approves your request and you start to bank left–ATC said OK, right? You may get away with this in Florida, but certainly not out West and not even in Florida if there’s a tall tower out there. Just because ATC approved a turn, it does not mean they are guaranteeing terrain and obstacle clearance. This is even true for IFR pilots in many situations–see the TWA 514 crash for a good reminder.
  • Traffic–When you’re in the pattern at a non-towered airport, you probably do a good job of looking in all directions for traffic. After all, you don’t have ATC there to look out for you. But do you relax your scan a little when you’re using VFR flight following? You shouldn’t. While flight following is a great service (use it on every cross country), it’s not infallible. For one, ATC may not see that Piper Cub that doesn’t have a transponder, so don’t mistake a quiet radio for a lack of traffic. Plus, VFR flight following is a lower priority for ATC, whose main job is to separate IFR traffic. If the controller gets swamped with traffic at Big City International, he may not notice a developing traffic conflict in your area. Keep your head on a swivel.
  • Weather–ATC can be a big help with weather questions, but it’s important to remember that most controllers are not pilots. Their understanding of weather is probably quite different from yours, and in any case, you’re the one who has to fly through it. It’s perfectly fine to ask a controller for his opinion about a line of rain or the latest reported ceilings, but don’t let him make the decision for you. Only you know what the weather looks like out the window, and only you know your personal weather minimums.
  • Taxi instructions–At busy airports, the taxi clearance can be the hardest part of the flight (“taxi to the hangar via C, E, D2, hold short 35L”). That means you need to be alert and looking outside. It also means you need to be 100% sure of where you’re going and where you’re supposed to be going. Never cross a runway if you are not completely certain that you are cleared to cross it–take 2 seconds and confirm with ATC. It’s better to get chewed out for being unsure than to cause a runway incursion. Another good practice is to always look to ensure the runway is clear. Every time I cross a runway, I look left and right, then verbally confirm “clear left, clear right, cleared to cross.” I trust that clearance, but I like to verify there’s not a regional jet barreling down the runway at me. It has happened before.

I’m not suggesting you start an aerial revolution, or you refuse ATC clearances just because they’re inconvenient. After all, ATC is there to help us, not punish us, and only they know the big picture. But a smart pilot retains a bit of skepticism, and is never afraid to key the mic if he is uncomfortable.

Aviation has a good safety record precisely because everyone double checks everyone else. The stakes are simply too high to be complacent.