How to use VFR flight plans (video tip)
Pilots should get in the habit of filing and opening VFR Flight Plans when flying away from the local airport environment. Then, in the unlikely event that you have an emergency or off-airport landing, the authorities know to come look for you along your planned route of flight.
Guide to airport taxiway signs and markings (video tip)
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All airports with ATC control towers in the U.S. (and some non-towered airports) use a standard set of pavement markings and elevated signs to guide pilots from the parking airport to the active runway. In this video, we'll explore the location and meaning of each in a simulated 3D airport environment so that you'll be well prepared on what to expect when taxiing at a large airport.
Video Tip: How to perform a Cessna 172 exterior preflight
The airplane preflight inspection is performed before each flight to ensure that all the required paperwork is on board, that the airplane systems are working properly and that the correct amount of fuel and oil are in the tanks. It's your chance to really look the airplane over inside and out to assure yourself that it's ready to fly, because once you're airborne, you just can't pull over in case something goes wrong.
Interactive Video Tip: Visual Approach Slope Indicators (VASI/PAPI)
Visual approach slope indicators use a combination of white and red lights next to the runway to help pilots verify they are flying the correct approach angle to the runway. This week's video takes a closer look at 2 types, VASI and PAPI, to show you how they work and what the various indications mean.
Video tip: power-off stalls
This week's tip covers a topic that all pilots need to know: power-off stalls. Learn how to practice them the right way, and how the location of the center of gravity (CG) affects stall speed.
VFR Challenge: Getting Down in the UP
You made a series of reasonable decisions in the name of comfort and safety, only to create a situation where you’re tight on both fuel and options. Will you wager your last hour of fuel on making just one landing at the airport beneath you or take the chance on making it to an alternate?
Airspace operations at Class C and D airports (video tip)
Class C and D airspace will surround airports that can handle a moderate amount of air traffic. This means there are some important restrictions to remember any time you're operating within - or underneath this airspace. In this week's video tip, we review how Class C and D airspace works, what you need to do to fly legally in it and how to stay safe.
Video Tip: Convective outlook charts
The week's tip looks at the Convective Outlook chart, which provides both short and long-term planning guidance for determining the location and intensity of thunderstorm activity.
Video tip: the Cessna 172 fuel system
It's important for pilots to have a good understanding of airplane systems to know how to properly operate their controls and troubleshoot them when things don't work as expected. This week's tip takes a look at the Cessna 172 fuel system to show each component and give you a better understanding of how all the parts work together.
Interactive exercise: Unusual attitude recovery procedures
It's important for pilots to recognize the conditions or situations that could cause an unusual attitude, with focus on how to recognize one, and how to recover from one. Test your knowledge of unusual attitude recognition and recovery with this interactive exercise.