Entries by Flight Training Central Staff

Airport Signs and Markings (Interactive Scenario)

All airports with ATC control towers in the U.S. (and some non-towered airports) use a standard set of pavement markings and elevated signs to guide pilots from the parking airport to the active runway. Test your knowledge of their location and meaning in this interactive exercise so that you’ll be well prepared on what to expect when taxiing at a large airport.

Inflight emergency scenarios with Spencer Suderman

Airshow pilot and flight instructor, Spencer Suderman, simulates several inflight emergency scenarios and how to handle them, including loss of engine power, flight instrument failure and loss of radio communications. Then on the return flight back to Jacksonville’s Craig field, Spencer shows how to work with ATC in a busy traffic pattern.

Five Ways to Save Money During Training

The most popular question I address with prospective pilots is how much and when? Of course the time and money variables go hand in hand. While difficult to arrive at an exact date and decimal point, pilots control much of their own destiny and we can provide ranges for time and money with reasonable accuracy based on past performance.