Entries by Bret Koebbe

Video tip: ATC tower communications

Learning to effectively communicate with a control tower often presents a challenge to student pilots, since it requires additional multitasking during an already busy time of flight. One of the best ways to learn is to listen to other pilots on the radio, and this week’s tip follows a Cessna 172 pilot as he works with both ground control and the tower to taxi and takeoff from a Class D airport.

Video Tip: Handling Emergencies

During your training, you’ll practice a variety of simulated emergencies so that you’re prepared in the event the real thing develops in flight. One of the common training scenarios is a simulated engine failure, which will teach you important memory items and how to use the emergency checklist. This week’s tip demonstrates best-practices for dealing with this rare situation to help you get safely back on the ground.

Video Tip: Aircraft engine operating tips

Airplane engines are more sensitive than your typical car engine and require extra attention. This week’s video tip looks at some tips for basic airplane engine operations to help you get years of trouble-free operation from them.

Video tip: What does angle of attack really mean?

You’ve probably heard that “you can stall an airplane at any airspeed and any attitude.” It’s true, but it sure doesn’t make much sense. In our latest video tip of the week, we tackle angle of attack, a critically important but often misunderstood topic. You’ll learn what it really means, how to visualize it in flight and what the new generation of AoA gauges shows.

Video tip: accelerated stalls

Stalls seem pretty straightforward for most pilots, but stalls during a turn can seem quite different. In our latest quick tip, we look at these accelerated stalls. You’ll learn why it’s called an accelerated stall, how to prevent one, and why load factor is so important.

Break the error chain with your iPad

The day you have been preparing for the past 3 months has finally come couldn’t have gone better; you passed your Private Pilot checkride and can now start taking advantage of the freedoms offered by your new pilot certificate. The learning doesn’t stop there though, and today there are more online resources available than ever […]