Entries by Bret Koebbe

Steep Turns – Sporty’s HD Flight Maneuver Spotlight

Welcome to the latest edition of the Flight Maneuver Spotlight series. Here we’ll highlight the various maneuvers you’ll practice during your flight training and be expected to demonstrate during your private pilot checkride. Each maneuver is part of Sporty’s 2023 Learn to Fly Course and includes a narrated video animation, along with step-by-step instructions.

How to read an instrument approach chart (video tip)

Instrument approaches are designed to guide pilots to the runway in IFR conditions when the visibility and/or ceilings are low. In this video, we’ll review the different types of instrument approaches and the information you’ll find in each section of an instrument approach chart.

Sporty’s Learn to Fly Course adds new videos and training guides

Sporty’s courses are the ideal pilot training companion – everything you need to prepare for your written test and earn your certificate or rating, with ground school, test prep, and real-world training all in one easy-to-use system. Students enrolled in Sporty’s courses enjoy free lifetime updates to both content and features available across all online, mobile app and TV platforms. Here’s a quick rundown covering the latest set of updates added this month.

Sporty’s launches suite of free flight instructor tools

Sporty’s Learn to Fly Course isn’t just for independent studying; a comprehensive CFI portal connects instructors with their students’ at-home study sessions, making the flight training process more organized and efficient. This suite of tools includes lesson plans, a flight instructor refresher course, and access to Sporty’s award-winning pilot training courses. Best of all, every feature is available free to any active flight instructor.

What’s new in Sporty’s 2023 Pilot Training Courses

Sporty’s Learn to Fly Course is used by tens of thousands of pilots every year and are famous for a relentless pace of innovation; every year, we add new content, new training tools, and new platforms. This year is no exception, with a number of significant upgrades that make training more engaging and more efficient. Here’s a look at some highlights.

Video tip: the pilot’s operating handbook (POH)

You’ll find a “how-to” manual on every airplane that describes how to operate that particular model, called the pilot’s operating handbook, or POH. This week’s tip takes a look at the information contained in the POH, along with the differences between the version that must be kept on the airplane and the one sold off the shelf at the local pilot shop.