IFR challenge from Pilot Workshops: What would you do?

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IFR Challenge:  no second chances—what would you do following a missed approach in low IFR conditions

In this PilotWorkshops IFR Mastery scenario, you own a Beech Sundowner equipped with upgraded instruments, an IFR GPS and an autopilot. The Sundowner will take you, your spouse and a family friend from Abilene, Texas (KABI) to McAlester, Oklahoma (KMLC). On approach to your destination, you execute a missed approach in low IFR conditions. Should you try this approach again or cut your losses and head to the alternate? You decide and then compare your answer with those from the instructors at PilotWorkshops.

ifr mastery scenario

Flight Training Central Staff
9 replies
  1. Nathan Delong says:

    I just started my IFR training last week so I am still learning but I think it would really depend on different variables such as how much fuel you have left and what the previous weather forecast for your destination airport was. If you have enough fuel and the forcast showed clear enough conditions to land then I would try once more. If not, I would head to my alternate airport.

  2. Edgardo Romero says:

    The best decision would be to heeding to the alternate since the low IFR condition could stay longer than expected and would be risky to burn fuel and time executing another approach at the same airport.

  3. Matthew Leckrone says:

    I’d say a lot of this depends. What is my current gas situation? Did I go missed from a precision or non precision approach? Is the weather changing from what I expected and in what way? If I’ve got plenty of gas, I went missed out of a non precision, the weather is steady, and there is a precision approach option, I’m going to take another attempt. If fuel is in question, I didn’t break out on a precision approach, or the weather is getting worse, I’m going to the alternate.

  4. Octavio Castellanos says:

    I will try the approach again, but only if the weather conditions tend to improve, if the conditions are getting worse I will go to the alternate airport.

  5. Rick Moreau says:

    It all depends on the local forecast and the current conditions of the alternate. A small localized patch of rain is vastly different than a big fat low.

  6. William Kearns says:

    I would fly the approach again. The only reason the pilot did not see the runway in time was that he failed to activate the Approach lighting system to bright. The weather is going to get worse if the pilot tries to return from a diverted airport. So knowing that the Approach is very doable with the bright lights, the pilot should therefore fly the approach again!


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