Chart Smart: VFR sectional airport information
What is the significance of the star symbol next to the control…

Ask a CFI – minimum visibility for student pilots
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What is the minimum visibility required for a student pilot operating…

Video Tip: Aircraft engine operating tips
Airplane engines are more sensitive than your typical car engine and require extra attention. This week's video tip looks at some tips for basic airplane engine operations to help you get years of trouble-free operation from them.

Video tip: What does angle of attack really mean?
You’ve probably heard that “you can stall an airplane at any airspeed and any attitude.” It’s true, but it sure doesn’t make much sense. In our latest video tip of the week, we tackle angle of attack, a critically important but often misunderstood topic. You’ll learn what it really means, how to visualize it in flight and what the new generation of AoA gauges shows.

What’s New and Upcoming in Airman Testing – November 2021
Editor's Note: The most recent version of the FAA's "What's New…

Webinar video: what’s new in Sporty’s 2022 courses
Sporty's Senior Flight Instructor and Lead Course Developer,…

Quiz: Runway Safety
Ground operations at busy tower-controlled airports can be challenging…

FAA updates Chart Users’ Guide
The FAA issued a revised Chart User's Guide on October 7th. It…

Sporty’s updates Pilot Training courses with new features for 2022
Sporty’s courses have helped over 100,000 pilots learn to fly, and are famous for their relentless pace of innovation. Every year, we add new content, new training tools, and technological enhancements. This year is no exception, with a host of upgrades that make training more engaging and more efficient. Here’s a look at some highlights.

Make your next flight more meaningful by practicing this
Ok, so your checkride was conducted within the parameters…