Video: landing on a mountain runway in Papua New Guinea
Short and soft field operations might seem academic when you're learning in a Skyhawk on a 6,000 foot long runway. But for some pilots these types of landings are part of the job. Fly along with two professional bush pilots in this video, as they take their Kodiak into a remote mountain runway. On speed and on glide path is the only way to fly here.

Pilot’s guide to flying with the GoPro Hero 8
More and more pilots are flying with action cameras like GoPros to record their flights. While these tiny devices record stunning video, they are not the easiest products to use. To help you feel more confident shooting in-flight video, we asked Bret Koebbe, an active pilot and flight instructor who leads Sporty's video department, what he's learned after a decade of shooting with GoPros.

Video Tip: Airspace Operations At Class C and D Airports
Class C and D airspace will surround airports that can handle a moderate amount of air traffic. This means there are some important restrictions to remember any time you're operating within - or underneath this airspace. In this week's video tip, we review how Class C and D airspace works, what you need to do to fly legally in it and how to stay safe.

Webinar video: Talk to an Air Traffic Controller
With Eddie Albert - Cincinnati Air Traffic Controller

Video: seaplane flying in Alaska
Seaplanes are just about the most fun you can have in aviation—they are all about fun, freedom, and challenge. And there's no better place to fly seaplanes than in Alaska, where these machines aren't just toys, they are a critical mode of transportation. Ride along with FlightChops in this episode as he learns the ins and outs of seaplanes, including the legendary de Havilland Beaver.

Video tip: What does angle of attack really mean?
You’ve probably heard that “you can stall an airplane at any airspeed and any attitude.” It’s true, but it sure doesn’t make much sense. In our latest video tip of the week, we tackle angle of attack, a critically important but often misunderstood topic. You’ll learn what it really means, how to visualize it in flight and what the new generation of AoA gauges shows.

Free getting started course now available
Learning to fly is a process, but oftentimes the most confusing part is taking that first step. How do you find a flight school? What should you ask a prospective flight instructor? What's the difference between a Sport Pilot and Private Pilot certificate? Sporty's has recently released a new course to help answer these questions, and it's completely free.

Videos: how to use Sporty’s Electronic E6B Flight Computer
A flight computer is an essential tool for student pilots. You'll use one to calculate all kinds of things, from fuel burn to groundspeed to density altitude. While you can do those calculations with an old school "whiz wheel," an electronic flight computer is a much faster and easier way to get the right answer. This series of video tips shows Sporty's best-selling Electronic E6B in action.

ATC hours reduced and other preflight considerations
It’s no secret that airline travel has suffered mightily…