Don’t say that! 5 phrases to avoid when flying with passengers
Sometimes it's the little things that matter most. A great example is the words we use in the cockpit. Talking is a great way to dispel some fears for a new flyer, but be careful: casual statements can have a powerful effect. Here are five things you shouldn't say in the cockpit when you're flying with passengers.
5 Tips for Solo Cross-Country Flying
Learning to fly is an amazing experience. And flying solo is a part of the experience that can really get your blood pumping. While the excitement never subsides, I’ve found these five tips really help to make my flights safer and more enjoyable.
iPad & flight training – what you need to know
Many students beginning their training often ask the question…
Hey Y’all – Watch This! Five Ways to Scare Your Passengers Away from Flying
You passed your knowledge test, your medical certification and your check ride. You have your temporary pilot certificate, medical and state-issued photo identification in your pocket and it’s now time to show off by taking a spouse, friend, parent or child for a ride. The next hour will be memorable – for you and your passenger – the question is how it will be remembered?