Complete Private Pilot Training

There’s a lot to learn as a new pilot, but the good news is you can do much of that learning on your own schedule. In between flight lessons, a good home study course is an invaluable tool. You can review your previous lesson, learn the theory behind the maneuvers you fly, and prepare for the FAA written test. In the long run, this preparation can save you a lot of time and money.

Sporty’s Learn to Fly course is a complete companion:

Save time and money

For the cost of a single flight lesson, this course will save you hours of time in the air and hundreds of dollars. The step-by-step video lessons are better than ground school, helping you prepare for your next flight lesson ahead of time so you spend less time reviewing and more time learning.

Get your written test endorsement

Ace the written with our interactive test preparation program. You can create customized study sessions from the actual FAA test questions and see the right and wrong answers, plus plain English explanations written by our team of CFIs. Then, take a practice test that simulates the real knowledge exam you’ll have to pass. We’ll even give you the flight instructor endorsement to take the written test—right from the course!

Pass all your tests—guaranteed!

Our course is so complete we guarantee you’ll pass all three tests: the written, oral and flight. Incredible 3D animations and dynamic in-flight video make complicated subjects like aerodynamics and weather easy to understand, so you’ll impress the examiner. Plus, our Airman Certification Standards Study Guide cross-references every required task to the videos, making it easy to review for the checkride.

Be ready for real world flying

Learning to fly means a lot more than just passing a test. That’s why Sporty’s course goes beyond the textbook to teach you real world flying, making you a safer, more confident pilot. Special Air Facts segments are packed with no-nonsense tips you can use after the checkride.

Covers Private, Recreational and Sport

Our Learn to Fly Course is really three courses in one – you choose the license that makes sense for you. Get started with your training and progress toward your first solo (volume 1-3), the critical first step for everyone. Then choose the Sport, Recreational or Private Pilot track – it’s all here! Plus, experience has shown that students learn most effectively when the training process is divided into manageable steps. So each module builds on the previous one, creating a building-block approach that saves you time and money.

Five formats, one price

We know you’re busy, so our course is available almost anywhere. Use our online learning platform for complete access to videos and quizzes anywhere you have an internet connection. There’s no software to install – just log in and start learning. Or use our dedicated mobile apps for iPad, iPhone, Android, Apple TV, and Roku, which allow you to download videos for offline viewing. Progress automatically syncs between all formats so you can start a study session on your phone and finish on your laptop without missing a beat.

Free lifetime updates

When you buy a Sporty’s course, you’re gaining access to a training platform that’s always up to date and always improving. We are continually adding new video segments to reflect new regulations and technology. We also refresh our FAA test question database regularly, so you don’t study outdated topics. There’s no additional fee or subscription to receive these updates – just log in and learn!

Free Demo

Download a free demo of the iPad/iPhone app.

Download a free demo of the Android app.

Try a free demo of the online course.

Buy Now

Sporty’s course is available for $279 – click here to purchase the course

62 replies
    • John Zimmerman says:

      Yes, Yair, there are a lot of 3D animations. Topics include: aircraft systems, weather, engine operation, aerodynamics and more.

  1. Jon says:

    Can I install it on my iPad and on my Mac with a single license? Does the iPad app work without an internet connection (e.g. while traveling)?

    • John Zimmerman says:

      Jon, the iPad app is an universal app for iPad and iPhone, but it does not run on Mac. For that you would have to use the online version. If you purchase that and the app, we offer 50% off the second course.

  2. Carl Ballman says:

    Why is Sporty’s course $249 while Gleim offers a similar course for $99? What are the differences in each that makes Sporty’s a better buy?

    • John Zimmerman says:

      Carl, the Sporty’s course has a different approach from many others (like Gleim). Whereas those focus on the written test and preparing for that, the Sporty’s course is a complete flight training complement, emphasizing not just the written test, but also the oral and checkride, plus real world flying after your training. It has a lot of 3D graphics and in-flight footage to show you how to be a better pilot, not just what the book answer is.

  3. Dominik Kacprzak says:

    What is the difference between this course and ‘Sporty’s Complete Private Pilot Course–DVD’ – PDVDA?
    Looks like they should be the same, but this has 10 hours of video, to other set has 23 hours of video.
    If I’m only interested in private pilot course, what is the difference?

    • John Zimmerman says:

      The Private Pilot Course is no longer offered, Dominik. The new Learn to Fly Course is the latest version of this product, and covers the Sport, Recreational and Private pilot licenses.

  4. Mark says:

    What does the 18 months course access means? Does it mean after 18 months i can no longer review the course materials just like a regular DVD?

    • John Zimmerman says:

      After 18 months, you can renew your course access for $49 for another 18 months. That way you’ll get automatic access to all the updates we make to the video, test questions and PTS.

  5. Dominik Kacprzak says:


    is there a chance that you guys will resample the video footage? The video shows painful de-interlacing artifacts. I’m about to receive solo DVDs and will see if there is any issue with DVD upconversion in my DVD player but I would not expect any issues.


    – Dominik

  6. Robbin says:

    Hmmmm, we have not yet received the DVD course, but at the moment am less than impressed with what I know so far. The course description states that “There is nothing extra to buy – just add flight instructor!” yet when I view the sample, there are at least two other docs listed as REQUIRED STUDY. I contacted customer support to see if those are included and told they were not, but I could **purchase them separately**. HUH?? When I asked CS what ELSE I might need, I was told to ask my flight instructor.

  7. Bret Koebbe says:

    Robbin, sorry for the mixup there. In the required study section of our each syllabus we reference the FAA handbooks that are applicable to that particular lesson. While the comprehensive video segments cover all the pertinent information, many students find it useful to review the official FAA source as well (e.g. Airplane Flying Handbook). These resources are available free from the FAA’s website in PDF format:

  8. Robbin says:

    Thanks, Bret! The course arrives today and we’ll download the manuals for the additional reading!! (The course is a gift and there is, as of yet, no flight instructor selected which added to the confusion. Based on your site and AOPA, we’ll be interviewing local schools. Thank you for the clarification.)

    • John Zimmerman says:

      Our Online Course runs very well on Android tablets. There is no native Android app yet, but the online version has all the same material and is a great optino.

  9. Bryne Wiseman says:

    I purchased learning to fly on my iPad about a month ago. I have bought a new iPad and need to know how to transfer application to new iPad. Please advise.

    • John Zimmerman says:

      For Sporty’s Learn to Fly Course, just download the free version of the app on your new iPad. Then sign in to that app with the account you created when you purchased the app.

  10. Theo says:

    Hello! Please explain me how can I see from my iPad on TV the course. I tried , but doesn’t work. I can see only your films from youtube…
    Greetings from Romania!

  11. Charles Robertson says:

    I’m a CFI with a student who wants to use this course. Is there a way that I can tutor him or follow his progress online?

    • John Zimmerman says:

      Charles, there is not an instructor login option in the course. However, the syllabus that is included is meant to be used by the student and the instructor, so we would recommend you either print one out and keep it up to date or login from time to time and update it.

  12. Steve says:

    After completing the Online private pilot course do you receive a certificate to take to the testing center (for the written exam) versus getting an instructor to sign your log book?

  13. Eric Radtke says:

    Correct. Upon successful completion, you receive an electronic certificate of completion that is then presented at an FAA testing center in lieu of a logbook endorsement.

  14. Brian Rupnow says:

    I already have the app in my iphone(free) and watched a few.

    I would like to buy the DVD’s so i could reference them in the future. Would i be able to watch the “bought ones on my iphone app? ie. do i get a code to let me watch on the road.

    Thank you, Brian Rupnow

  15. Jim Beal says:

    I have looked around your website, but can’t seem to find the answer. I am looking at purchasing the iPad app of the Learn to Fly course, but want to know if it will be available to do offline on my iPad. I am deloying to Afghanistan soon and want to do my study and prep to get my license when I return. I will have intermittent Internet access.

    • Dominik Kacprzak says:

      John, if we can save it on iPad, why would the saved content expire after 18 months? Is the 18-months a limit for downloads or for access to saved content as well?

  16. helbert soto says:

    Could a person with foreing accent speaking be prevented to learn to fly in one of your flying school?. What is the possition of the ATCs about it?. Thanks.

  17. Dominik Kacprzak says:

    I purchased Sporty’s Solo Course (3 DVDs) course and now I’m ready to upgrade to the full course, but I want to switch to iPad version. The customer service is asking me to send the DVDs back even tho, on the website, it says: “Sporty’s Solo Course includes a coupon for $65 off our Complete Learn to Fly Course, including the Recreational and Private certificates.”

    Why do I have to send the DVDs back to complete the transaction? I should be able to order it on-line and receive $65 off using the coupon.

  18. John says:

    If I want to use both the iPad/iPhone App and my personal computer do I have to purchase both options or are they interchangeable?


    • John Zimmerman says:

      The online version will run well on both an iPad and a computer. If you did want to purchase the app version and the online version, we can offer 50% off the 2nd format.

  19. PAUL P. TAGLIERO says:

    1)Does your On Line Course run on a: Samsung Galaxy Note II ?
    2)If yes, do I download it directly on my phone?
    3)Or do I have to download it on my Windows Vista computer first and, subsequently download it to the phone?
    Thank you,Paul.

  20. drew says:

    I ordered the dvd course some years ago. but was not able to start training at that time. I have now started flight school and would like to get the ipad course. Am i eligible for a discount on the new course?

  21. Earl says:

    I ordered and received the learning to fly course on DVD. I took it to the office to watch over my lunch hour, but it will not run on any of the DVD software loaded on my computer. Please tell me you didn’t lock it down to just home DVD players?

  22. JaZee says:

    I am a young eagle, so we are supposed to get this course free. I can not figure out how to get it free through. Also, my sister has gotten this course, but doesn’t remember how she got it, but when she try’s to login to it on her iPad, it won’t log her in. What do we do?

  23. Jose Huerta says:

    I bought the private Pilot course for my son, and i forgot which email i used and the password. Is there a way to retrieve the info… thanks!

  24. Farin says:

    I purchased the Learn to Fly course on DVD last year but I recently purchased an ipad which is much more convenient and conducive to my study habits to be more mobile with the iPad than a desktop. How do I convert my DVD’s to iPad?

  25. Farin says:

    John, I contacted CS as you requested but they want to charge me again for the essentailly the same course (with with minor changes), IF I send the DVD’s back AND pay half price for the same course again all to just change the format from DVD to iPad. in total another $100. I’ve been a loyal Sportys customer having ordered $1,000’s in equipment and plan to in the future as well, but I’d like to know if there something that can be done regarding this “fee” for a loyal Sportys customer?

  26. Clark says:

    I bought this on-line course last week…
    But I can’t find any video training about systems…
    where can I find the explanation about systems ?
    and all the viedos are pretty short and insufficient to understand every single topics such as flight planning..


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