Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Flight Service Stations can do more than you think

It doesn’t take long for student pilot to be confused by, or question the roles of the Flight Service Stations (FSS) today. Pre-solo ground lessons teach us that they provide weather briefings over the phone and handle flight plan filing. Later on in the training we are taught how to communicate with FSS Flight Watch […]

Aviation cliche sign

6 aviation cliches that are true – and 3 that are not

Aviation is filled with “experts.” These self-appointed sages never miss a chance to share their tips for safer flying, usually from the lofty perch of a rocking chair at the FBO. But not every cliche can be discarded. Most of them exist because there’s a kernel of truth.

Flight Service Stations can do more than you think

It doesn’t take long for student pilot to be confused by, or question the roles of the Flight Service Stations (FSS) today. Pre-solo ground lessons teach us that they provide weather briefings over the phone and handle flight plan filing. Later on in the training we are taught how to communicate with FSS Flight Watch […]

Aviation cliche sign

6 aviation cliches that are true – and 3 that are not

Aviation is filled with “experts.” These self-appointed sages never miss a chance to share their tips for safer flying, usually from the lofty perch of a rocking chair at the FBO. But not every cliche can be discarded. Most of them exist because there’s a kernel of truth.