Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Kid in airplane

Time to Review

Earlier this week, I was talking to a few students from my Fundamentals of Instructing class about a presentation that they have to do for my class. The presentation requires the students to teach an individually assigned maneuver to the rest of the class while evaluators judge their performance. As we discussed these presentations and […]

Non-Towered Airport Ops Briefing

The pending closure of 149 contract control towers as a result of the FAA’s sequestration plan has brought the issue (or non-issue) of non-towered airport operations to the forefront. For those of you training at a non-towered airport, or as I prefer to call it, a pilot-controlled airport, these operations are simply what you know. […]

Kid in airplane

Time to Review

Earlier this week, I was talking to a few students from my Fundamentals of Instructing class about a presentation that they have to do for my class. The presentation requires the students to teach an individually assigned maneuver to the rest of the class while evaluators judge their performance. As we discussed these presentations and […]

Non-Towered Airport Ops Briefing

The pending closure of 149 contract control towers as a result of the FAA’s sequestration plan has brought the issue (or non-issue) of non-towered airport operations to the forefront. For those of you training at a non-towered airport, or as I prefer to call it, a pilot-controlled airport, these operations are simply what you know. […]