Webinar video: Flight Review – tips for getting current

Hear insightful tips on knocking off the aviation rust and regaining your pilot currency. Topics include medical requirements, regulations, weather, flight planning, technology and procedures that may have changed from your last flight review. Plus hear ideas for maintaining currency and getting involved in the aviation community.

Webinar video: aviation headsets

Join Doug Ranly as he demystifies the world of aviation headsets, shares what's new, and highlights the features important to you. When you're ready to purchase your headset, visit Sporty's interactive buyers guide and see a complete lineup of headsets available for sale.

Webinar video: Choosing the right handheld video

A portable aviation radio is a great backup tool and a valuable resource for flight training too. Includes an in-depth look at the technology, what to look for when buying a radio, and tips for using them in the real world.

Sporty’s webinar video: Flying Aerobatics with Patty Wagstaff

Interested in learning to fly aerobatics and how it can improve your skills as a pilot? Join Patty Wagstaff for a fun and educational webinar on what it takes to get started and stay safe.

Webinar video: Pass your checkride with DPE, Jason Blair

Understanding exactly what to expect in your oral and practical, and how to prepare effectively, can make all the difference between disaster and a valuable, enriching experience.

Webinar video: How to pass the FAA written in less time

While the FAA written test has gotten a bad rap over the years from some, the reality is it's a non-event when you approach it with the proper mindset and use the right study tools.

Sporty’s webinar video: Top 10 ForeFlight Features You Probably Didn’t Know About

With all the updates and feature additions that have been implemented over the last few years, a few of the tips and tricks have slipped through the average aviator's repertoire. Join ForeFlight's own Josh Berman and Brandon Walker for a highlight of some of the lesser known abilities of ForeFlight.

Sporty’s webinar video: Using a home simulator for IFR proficiency

Home flight simulators offer a wealth of training situations to sharpen a pilot's aircraft operating skills. Instrument flying is one of the most valuable scenarios we can practice in a standard home simulator that will translate to the physical aircraft.

Sporty’s webinar video: How to pass your Instrument written exam

The FAA Knowledge Test is a non-event when you approach it with the proper mindset and use the right study tools.
collision avoidance quiz

Webinar video: 20 questions to test your aviation knowledge

How much do you know about weather, airspace, aerodynamics, and…