Webinar – ATP training requirements, what you need to know
The ATP certification rule has revamped the requirements and…

Go / No-go – real time decision making for pilots
Go or no go - while the age-old question for pilots hasn’t…

Drone webinar video explains what UAS are all about
One of the hottest segments of aviation right now involves Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), commonly called drones. Whether for fun, for agriculture or for first responders, there have never been more uses or more aircraft available. To demystify this growing field, Sporty's recently hosted a webinar called, "So you want to fly drones."

Flight training and the iPad – webinar video
Can you use an iPad during flight training? The answer is almost always yes, but a smart pilot should understand when and how to integrate technology into the learning process. Sporty's recently hosted a webinar on the topic, which offers over an hour of tips for pilot new to the iPad.