Webinar Video: How to Ace Your FAA Instrument Written

The FAA Instrument Written is the source of plenty of angst and stress for IFR pilots. But not to worry as this webinar presentation we'll show you how to use reliable study methods and advanced learning features within Sporty's Instrument Rating Course, including Aviation Intelligence℠ (AI).

Webinar Video: Home Simulation For IFR Training and Proficiency—a Pilot’s Perspective

Today's flight simulators offer more versatility and feasibility to instrument flight rules training than ever expected. Join Sporty's, Chris McGonegle, as he covers how to build and feature set an at home flight simulator tailored towards instrument flying.

Webinar Video: Flying with the iPad as a Digital Copilot

This fast-paced presentation covers a wide range of practical topics on flying with the iPad and the ForeFlight Mobile app. Led by Bret Koebbe, an active pilot and flight instructor at Sporty’s and Editor of iPad Pilot News, this presentation will explore topics applicable to pilots of all iPad experience levels.

Webinar Video: Flight Sim 101

You'll learn how to use simulators effectively and how to avoid making mistakes that will degrade your flying skills. The presentation includes tips on software, flight controls, and add-ons. You'll also get a preview of the new Microsoft Flight Simulator (launching in November).
webinar recordings

Webinar video: How to Pass the Private Pilot FAA Knowledge Exam in Less Time

It's something all pilots have to do during training for a Private Pilot license -- pass the FAA Knowledge Test. While this test has gotten a bad rap over the years from some, the reality is it's a non-event when you approach it with the proper mindset and use the right study tools.
flight sim

Webinar video: Flight Simulators 101 – Leveraging a Home Simulator for Flight Training

In this fast-paced webinar video, Chris McGonegle, a commercial pilot and Sporty's flight simulator expert, will discuss how to use simulators effectively and how to avoid making mistakes that will degrade your flying skills.

Sporty’s webinar video: 20 questions to test your IFR knowledge

Sporty's John Zimmerman hosts a fun, fast-paced hour of IFR flying questions and tips, covering everything from approach charts to weather theory.

Sporty’s webinar video: Using a Home Simulator for IFR Proficiency

Home flight simulators offer a wealth of training situations to sharpen a pilot's aircraft operating skills. Instrument flying is one of the most valuable scenarios we can practice in a standard home simulator. Join Sporty's own Chris McGonegle as he covers how to configure Instrument flights in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and X-Plane 12.

Sporty’s webinar video: How to Pass the FAA Instrument Written

We'll show how to use tried and true study methods using Sporty's Instrument Rating Course to make the process an engaging and meaningful learning experience, and not just another exercise in rote memorization.

Webinar video: What’s new in Sporty’s 2024 Pilot Training Courses

Bret Koebbe discusses the new features in Sporty's 2024 pilot training courses in this webinar video sponsored by Sporty's. This presentation includes a live demonstration of the latest features, and offers tips on how to save time and money during your flight training with Sporty's courses.