5 can’t miss stocking stuffers

For a pilot, working at Sporty’s can be compared to a daily…

Seven winter weather flying tips

As the season transitions from fall to winter and the temperature…

Fatigue – you may win the battle, but you can’t win the war

I was on the return leg of a two-day trip to Texas last month…

Top 5 mistakes you WILL make during your first 250 hours

None of us are perfect. I’m probably less perfect than most,…
Pre-flight inspection

The dreaded pre-flight, and how to do it well

I've never liked the pre-flight inspection. It's like the salad course before a steak dinner--sure, it's good for you, but all it does is prevent you from getting to the good stuff. But if I could give some advice, it would be short and sweet: "Get over it."

The Joy of Soft Fields

Incorporated into every pilot certificate is the Practical Test…

Getting My Feet Wet

“Are you ready?” asked my instructor, “Because once we…

First Solo, Again!

Here at Sporty’s Academy, we love to celebrate the achievements of our students. One of our biggest celebrations comes when a student successfully completes his or her first solo. We really think that this is a big deal and we want the student to understand this as well! It has been many years since my first solo in an airplane. In fact, I’ll be celebrating the 30th anniversary of that event in a couple of years. Even with the intervening years, I can still remember my takeoff from Runway 29 at the Flagler County Airport in Florida. I don’t really remember the landing but I remember the takeoff. I looked out the side window after liftoff, watched the left main spin to a stop, and thought to myself, “Well, now you have to land it!”

Flight training and the iPad

Today, pilots are using tablets to assist with just about every…

Stop and smell the avgas

We all set goals as pilots, whether it’s completing the first solo, earning a private pilot certificate or simply getting current again. There’s nothing wrong with that (in fact, I think it’s part of what makes flying so rewarding), but we need to be careful that the destination doesn’t overshadow the journey.