Entries by studentpltnews

Video tip: Understanding Pilot Reports (PIREPs)

Understanding certain critical weather information only available from airborne pilot reports (PIREPs) can help you avoid potential inflight hazards like turbulence and icing. Learning about PIREPS will allow you to obtain and contribute recent weather information and be a safer, well-rounded pilot. The video clip below is from Sporty’s 2021 Learn to Fly Course

Video: F-16 airshow over Miami

All airshows are entertaining, but for pure spectacle it’s hard to beat a military jet show over a big city. That’s what you’ll see in this video, as you ride long in an F-16 for a low level demo over South Beach in Miami. Watch out for the high rises, and enjoy the view.

Rate your flight training experience

AOPA has opened its 2021 Flight Training Experience Survey to any student or pilot who has received instruction in the past year. The survey measures flight instructor and flight school performance on four key factors affecting flight training—educational quality, customer focus, community, and information sharing. How does your flight instructor or flight school measure up? […]

CFI Tips: Collision Avoidance

It’s always the responsibility of the pilot to see and avoid other air traffic and effective collision avoidance is an active process. Sporty’s CFI, Trent Grothaus, discusses the importance of employing sound collision avoidance techniques.

A pilot’s guide to fuel testers

One of the many pre-flight tasks pilots perform on their aircraft involves fuel, and it’s not just confirming you have enough fuel for your flight and the required reserve. Specifically, pilots need to inspect the fuel to make sure it’s the right type and that it is free from contaminants which is where fuel testers […]

FAA releases new advisory circular – Pilot’s Guide to a Preflight Briefing

The FAA has released a new Advisory Circular (AC) titled Pilot’s Guide to a Preflight Briefing to provide guidance in developing a thoughtful plan for conducting preflight self-briefings including planning, weather interpretation, and risk identification/mitigation skills. In the AC the FAA acknowledges that preferences for obtaining information have evolved and encourages pilots to utilize online […]