Entries by Eric Radtke

Combining IFR and visual flight

If we didn’t have access to the variety of visual IFR procedures or the option for VFR flight, the system would quite simply be overwhelmed. Where the breakdowns and inefficiencies occur, can often be attributed to a lack of awareness on the part of pilots or failure to take advantage of our options for combining IFR and VFR flight.

Planning an IFR departure

Departure procedures are designed primarily to provide obstacle clearance and should be used when published.  These procedures come in two varieties:  Obstacle Departure Procedures (ODPs) and Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs).

How to fly the perfect short field takeoff and climb

Takeoff power should be applied smoothly while holding the brakes until the maximum obtainable engine power. Once the brakes are released, adjust the airplane’s pitch to attain minimum drag and maximum acceleration. As we reach the recommended roation speed, apply back-elevator pressure until reaching the appropriate Vx attitude.

Are you fit for flight?

“Are You Fit for Flight?” discusses the importance of checking in with yourself before each flight to make sure you are nourished, hydrated, rested, and emotionally fit to fly.

How to fly a perfect soft field approach and landing

Soft field techniques can be deployed for landing areas that have soft or rough surfaces such as grass, snow, or even gravel. The objective when landing on these types of surfaces is to touch down as smoothly as possible and at the slowest possible landing speed – minimum controllable airspeed as opposed to a full […]