Entries by Eric Radtke

Updated AIM effective June 17, 2021

On its standard publication schedule, an updated AIM was recently published with changes effective June 17, 2021. Changes include the following paragraphs: 1−1−9. INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM (ILS) This change is to edit the following text and add an additional figure to clarify that charted procedures with localizer coverage outside the Standard Service Volume (SSV) have […]

“NORDO” – 5 tips for avoiding loss of communication

“NORDO” is a term defined in FAA Order 7110.65 (a.k.a. Air Traffic Controller’s Handbook) as an aircraft that can’t or doesn’t communicate by radio.  While the term can apply to an aircraft not certified with an electrical system (radio) or one that has suffered an equipment failure, it’s more commonly related to an inadvertent loss […]

Sporty’s Introduces Commercial Pilot Training Course

Sporty’s latest training course will help pilots earn a Commercial pilot certificate, an essential step on the way to a job as a flight instructor or an airline pilot. Like all Sporty’s courses, the Commercial Pilot Course includes access to multiple formats for the same low price: online, iPhone, iPad, Android, Apple TV and Roku. […]

Scheduling your FAA written exam

So you’ve completed your Sporty’s home study course or received an endorsement from your CFI to take your FAA written test – now what? The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) utilizes a third-party testing provider, PSI Services, to administer all FAA written exams. PSI exams are available at a number of testing locations throughout the US […]

Stop dreaming, start flying!

Thinking of becoming a pilot? A surging demand for pilots, technological advancements, and access to modern learning resources make for an ideal time to begin your journey. The demand for professional pilots has never been greater. Recent data indicates that pilot certification changes and increased demand for air travel have had far-reaching industry effects.

5 steps to ace that airline interview

For the student pilot, it’s never too early to begin preparing for that dream job.  The highly-respected Boeing Pilot and Technician Outlook predicts that through 2035, the aviation industry will need to supply more than two million new aviation personnel including 617,000 commercial airline pilots. And for those existing Commercial pilots and ATPs, now is the time to begin that detailed preparation to ace that first interview.

Sporty’s Learn to Fly Course

There’s a lot to learn as a new pilot, but the good news is you can do much of that learning on your own schedule. In between flight lessons, a good home study course is an invaluable tool. You can review your previous lesson, learn the theory behind the maneuvers you fly and prepare for the FAA written test.