Entries by Eric Radtke

Friday photo: open flight deck beach flight

The moment: my first open flight deck experience The place: Northeast Florida Regional Airport, KSGJ – St. Augustine, FL The aircraft: Waco The pilot: anonymous The memory: Enjoying the final days of summer cruising the St. Augustine beach open flight deck style.   Want to share your “Friday Photo” of your solo or checkride moment? […]

Flying Musicians Association announces 2022 scholarship program

The Flying Musicians Association (FMA) recognizes the correlation between hard work and skill required by both learning to fly and learning music — practice, precision, working with others, multitasking, and ultimately performance — and to that end, has opened the floor to nominations for the eighth year to passionate student musicians for the 2022 FMA Solo program. […]

FAA releases updated Airplane Flying Handbook

FAA recently released the 2021 edition of the Airplane Flying Handbook. Updates include: Chapter 1 (Introduction to Flight Training) – Added information on the FAA Wings Program. Chapter 4 (Energy Management) – All new chapter/material. Chapter 9 (Approaches and Landings) – Added information concerning a forward slip to a landing. Changed description associated with Crosswind […]

Webinar Video: Flight Simulators – Tools or Toys for Pilots

Flight Simulators have been a popular topic over the past year. Partially because of the new Microsoft Flight Simulator program, but also because new lines of professional equipment have debuted along with training programs. Through all the increased interest, can we qualify an at home flight simulator as a tool or a toy? In this […]

CFI Tips: Checklist Usage

In this installment of CFI Tips, Sporty’s Academy CFI, Dale Fargo, discusses why checklist usage is important and how checklist usage should evolve with experience. Hear what pilots are doing right and wrong as well as the universal priorities of piloting.