flight sim

Webinar video: Flight Simulators 101 – Leveraging a Home Simulator for Flight Training

In this fast-paced webinar video, Chris McGonegle, a commercial pilot and Sporty's flight simulator expert, will discuss how to use simulators effectively and how to avoid making mistakes that will degrade your flying skills.

Five Ways to Save Money During Training

The most popular question I address with prospective pilots is how much and when? Of course the time and money variables go hand in hand. While difficult to arrive at an exact date and decimal point, pilots control much of their own destiny and we can provide ranges for time and money with reasonable accuracy based on past performance. 
Video Tip: Starting the airplane engine

Video Tip: Starting the airplane engine

Starting the airplane engine is one of the first hands-on procedures you'll learn when starting your flight training. In our latest video tip, we'll show you step-by-step the procedure for starting the Cessna 172S fuel-injected engine.

Pilot Workshops VFR Communication Scenario: Request taxi to a runway at a towered (Class D) airport

To taxi from the ramp to the runway at a towered airport, (across the “movement area”), you need to receive a taxi clearance from the Ground controller. First, listen to the current ATIS broadcast (weather). Then call Ground with your request, mentioning the phonetic alphabet code of the ATIS you heard.

Pilot’s Guide to BasicMed

BasicMed is an alternate way for pilots to fly without holding an FAA medical certificate as long as they meet certain requirements. To fly under BasicMed, pilots must print off a FAA Form 8700-2; BasicMed Comprehensive Medical Examination Checklist (CMEC) and get your physical exam with a state-licensed physician.

My first solo flight

Well, here goes nothing. Full throttle, airspeed is alive, rotation at 55 knots and climb out at 74 knots. I turn crosswind, then downwind, and base. My turn to final is a little wide so I corrected back onto the extended centerline for runway 22 for a descent, but safe landing. I did it! FIRST SOLO! I could not help but smile and be proud of myself. What a rush! The feeling is incredible.

Flying the Airport Traffic Pattern (Interactive Scenario)

All airports rely on a traffic pattern to allow for the efficient sequencing of both departing and arriving airplanes. Test your knowledge of these arrival and departure flows in our latest interactive scenario, by reading the traffic pattern direction and runway assignment and dragging the airplane to the correct colored path.

AOPA Flight Training Advantage offers a unique, modern approach to flight training

AOPA Flight Training Advantage (AFTA) is an adaptive flight training system that offers a fresh alternative and replacement to a traditional syllabus. AFTA automatically generates individualized lessons based on student performance so each lesson is unique to your training needs. And the system can be accessed online or via a dedicated iPad/iPhone app.

Ground reference maneuvers with Spencer Suderman (episode 2)

In this episode, Spencer demonstrates how to fly several of the common ground reference maneuvers, including turns around a point and the rectangular course. Not only will these help you learn to better control the airplane while compensating for the effects of the wind, but they'll help you fly a better traffic pattern when returning to land after each flight.

Your first flight lesson – a video preview

Getting into the air and taking your first flight is the most important—and most enjoyable—step you can take in your journey. There’s nothing like your first takeoff in an airplane to show you the fun and freedom of flying. If you’re on the fence about learning to fly, go take a first lesson!