How to fly a standard airport traffic pattern
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A left hand pattern is considered standard and should be used unless specified otherwise for an airport. It is important to fly standard traffic pattern procedures to ensure the safe and orderly flow of aircraft to and from an airport.

FAA proposing rule that will expand aircraft eligible for sport pilot
Under the proposal, aircraft weighing as much as 3,000 pounds will be eligible for Sport Pilot. This more than doubles the weight of aircraft under the current definition of Light Sport of 1,320 pounds, allowing larger and stronger aircraft to qualify as Light Sport.

Flight Maneuver Spotlight: Traffic pattern entry procedures
Standard traffic patterns are established at nontowered airports to provide a smooth flow of traffic from the arrival phase of flight through approach and landing. Here are the steps to follow to safely and efficiently join the pattern and get established on the final approach leg for landing.

Converging aircraft – what would you have done?
Aircraft Y called a 5-mile final behind us. We continued down to the runway and made a safe landing. We came to a full stop on the runway to clean up the airplane and make a very short debrief because Aircraft Y, landing behind us, was on a 1-mile final as he made a radio call. We made a radio call stating that we were departing Runway 5.

Webinar video: Choosing the right handheld video
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The 7 deadly sins of radio communications
Nobody wants to sound bad in front of the "audience" of your fellow pilots. But there are a few things that can instantly make you sound less professional--let's call them the 7 deadly sins of radio communication. These phrases should not be in your aviation vocabulary.

Friday photo: Goodyear blimp over Oshkosh
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Aviation weather video tip: When flying IFR isn’t an option
Sometimes terrain, icing, lack of instrument rating or proper equipment can make flying on an Instrument Flight Plan (IFR) not an option. But that doesn't mean you need to cancel a flight just because there's weather along the route or it's not perfect VFR.

Sporty’s is celebrating Fly July with specials on pilot gear
During the month of July, Sporty's is hosting a celebration of general aviation across its website, social media, store and, of course, at EAA AirVenture. The goal is to get out and fly this summer!

Quiz: Wake Turbulence Avoidance
Wake turbulence is an invisible hazard that presents an additional challenge for pilots operating light airplanes out of busy airports. Take our latest quiz and test your knowledge of proper avoidance techniques.