Pilot’s guide to Class E Airspace
You'll spend most of your flight training and cross-country time in Class E airspace. Here we'll show how to identify the location of Class E airspace on a sectional chart and determine the floor in various parts of the country.

Fun summer internship opportunities at the biggest aviation show on earth
Looking for a fun and exciting way to spend your summer? Come spend it with EAA and AirVenture Oshkosh 2022 at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, WI!

Video: best budget ANR headset for pilots
Every pilot needs a good headset, but not everyone wants to spend $1000 for one. Fortunately, there are some great options for under $700. Sporty's headset expert Doug Ranly shows off two of the best options in this Product PIREP video: the Faro Stealth 2 ANR and the Lightspeed Sierra.

Ask a CFI – passenger briefings
Conspicuously absent from most aircraft checklists, is how to conduct a passenger briefing. A helpful acronym for your passenger briefing is SAFETY.

Video: what’s the best ANR headset?
Three headsets consistently come out on top among pilots: the Bose A20, Lightspeed Zulu 3, and David Clark ONE-X. All three of these headsets feature active noise reduction (ANR), comfortable ear seals, Bluetooth audio integration, and excellent product support. To help you choose the right one for you, Sporty's Doug Ranly compares the "big three" in this Product PIREP video.

Basic Airmanship – Advanced Pilot Skills Series with Spencer Suderman
In the first episode, Spencer shares some concepts for maintaining positive aircraft control, emphasizing sight picture, and then demonstrates a helpful tip for reducing workload when practicing engine out scenarios.

How do you react in an unexpected emergency?
Did you know a “startle response” that delays action or leads to the wrong action could turn fatal? Learn how training can reduce the startled response.

Video tip: Airman Certification Standards (ACS)
The Airman Certification Standards (ACS) spell out the performance standards that you'll need to meet during your private pilot test. It's important that you take time during your flight training to familiarize yourself with this document and use it to help gauge your progress.
This week's tip takes a closer look at a few examples of the specific knowledge, skills, risk management elements and performance metrics found in the Private Pilot ACS.