Video: 16 bush planes, 1 hill
Sure, the location is beautiful and the airplanes are not your everyday trainers, but the best part of Trent Palmer's latest adventure is the camaraderie. Sixteen airplanes found their way to the same grassy hill on the last day of 2019, and the result was a lot of fun.

Video tip: how to determine the wind speed aloft
As you begin to plan flights away from your home airport it's important to know the wind speed and direction at higher altitudes to help compute headings to fly and an estimated groundspeed for fuel planning. This week's tip takes a look at several online resources you can use to determine the upper level winds and how to interpret the textual winds aloft forecast.

Friday photo: Colin McGilvray commercial pilot checkride
Obtaining my commercial certificate was a big moment for me. Suddenly it seemed as if doors were opened for new opportunities and experiences. I look forward to the adventures and certifications still ahead.

Video tip: how to calculate weight and balance
Take the time to compute the total weight of the airplane and center of gravity (CG) before every flight, based on the number of occupants, baggage and fuel and where each item is positioned in the airplane. This week's tip takes a look at how to compute a typical weight and balance calculation and how to verify the results are within limits.

Video: glider winch launch at Innsbruck
Innsbruck, Austria, is a justifiably famous airport. Tucked in between tall mountains, the airport features stunning views of the Alps and has been a favorite of flight sim enthusiasts for decades. It's also a great place for some soaring, as this video shows. Ride along for a winch launch (always a thrilling start to a flight), some ridge soaring, and a landing back on the grass.

Video tip: turns around a point
Flying in circles over an open field won't get you to your destination any faster, but it will teach you a lot about how the wind affects the airplane in flight. In our latest Video Tip of the Week, we walk through how to fly the Turns Around a Point maneuver, with in-cockpit video and 3D animations. Even if you're already an experienced pilot, this maneuver is a great way to keep your stick and rudder skills sharp.

Top 5 taxiing mistakes
Learning to move the aircraft around on the ground can be just…

Friday photo: autumn sunset over Kentucky
The moment: picturesque autumn sunset
The place: northern…

Ask a CFI: Tips for Checkride Success from an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE)
Today we're talking with Todd Ritchey, a senior CFI at Sporty's Academy and FAA Designated Pilot Examiner. Todd shares his tips for how to prepare for the oral exam and practical flight test during the checkride and how to ensure you walk away with a successful outcome.

Video tip: types of training airplanes
While you can technically learn to fly and earn your private pilot certificate in just about any type of airplane, you'll quickly learn that certain models are better suited for flight training than others. Here we'll take a look at the most common airplanes used for pilot training and some of the differences among them.