Webinar – Weather flying and the iPad
Join ForeFlight weather guru Scott Dennstaedt and Sporty’s…

Webinar – Go/No-go, real time decision making for pilots
Go or no go? While the age-old question for pilots hasn’t changed,…

Webinar – Flight training and the iPad
Are you a new iPad user or thinking about getting one? This webinar…

Webinar – Pilot’s guide to buying your first airplane
Buying your first airplane is an exhilarating experience. But…

Webinar – ATP training requirements, what you need to know
The ATP certification rule has revamped the requirements and…

Is WINGS the Answer?
First, I would like to say that I think that the FAA WINGS -…

Runway braking action reports finally make sense
The FAA recently implemented a new system to help pilots better understand how snow and ice affect will affect braking on runways and taxiways, allowing both airport operators and pilots to use a standardized method to identify both the contamination type and how it will affect deceleration, braking and directional control.