Entries by Bret Koebbe

Video tip: Airport runway signs and markings

All airports with ATC control towers in the U.S. (and many non-towered airports) use a standard set of pavement markings and elevated signs to call out important parts of an airport runway. In this video, we’ll explore the location and meaning of each in a simulated 3D airport environment so that you’ll be well prepared when operating at a large airport.

Video Tip of the Week: Class B airspace

Class B airspace surrounds the busiest airports, which means there are some important restrictions to remember any time you’re operating within it – or underneath it. In this week’s video tip, we review how Class B airspace works, what you need to do to fly legally in it and how to stay safe. Take a few minutes and get current today.

Video tip – how to use aviation self-serve fuel facilities

Many airports offer a self-serve fuel option at a cheaper price per gallon, which can offer big savings for large fillups and serve as a plan B for fuel when landing after hours when the FBO is closed. This week’s tip takes a look at how to operate a self-serve fuel system to ensure that your first time using one goes smoothly.

Video tip: Cessna 172 electrical system

The electrical system is a critical component of today’s modern airplanes, distributing and supplying power to the lights, avionics and digital flight instruments. This week’s tip takes a look at the various elements that make up the electrical system in the popular Cessna 172 training airplane.

Video tip: secrets of VFR sectional charts

VFR sectional charts contain a wealth of information and are considered essential equipment for pilots of all skill levels. This week’s tip dives into the symbols and markings used on these charts to help you get more out of the aviation data on your next flight.

Video tip: The aerodynamics of induced and parasite drag

During your flight training you’ll learn all about the 4 forces acting on the airplane in flight, including lift, thrust, weight and drag. This week’s tip takes a closer look at the aerodynamic forces that cause the rearward force of drag, including a breakdown of parasite vs. induced drag.