
Quiz: Basic Aircraft Aerodynamics

As much as it seems sometimes that airplanes fly by magic, it's important for every pilot to understand at least the basic fundamentals of aerodynamics. These principles dictate not only how the aircraft stays aloft, but what makes it either stable or unstable.

High Wing or Low Wing – Which Trainer Should I Choose?

Regardless if your flight school rents Warriors or Skyhawks, Evektors or Pipistrels, learning to fly will be largely the same. Both low wing and high wing aircraft will be affected by lift, weight, thrust and drag.

Video: choosing a flight school

In the fourth and final video in the series, we offer some tips for choosing the right flight school.

What should you consider before beginning your flight training

Flight training is much different than learning how to drive a car. Yes, you will earn a certificate stating that you’re capable of operating a means of transportation, but a pilot certificate is much more nuanced and, in many cases, will take longer with a more significant time and monetary investment. Beyond time and money, there are many more elements to consider before beginning training. These are five topics that I always like to discuss with potential flight students to help build a plan for success. 

FAA publishes updated Airman Certification Standards – Here’s What You Should Know

The ACS is a comprehensive presentation integrating the standards for what an applicant must know, consider, and do to demonstrate proficiency. In this latest update, effective May 31, 2024, revisions were made to the ACS as an outgrowth of public comment; however, there are no major substantive changes to the testing standards already in use or the conduct of the practical test.

The four fundamentals of flight with Spencer Suderman (episode 1)

Spencer Suderman shows what to expect on a first flight lesson, from taxiing the airplane to talking with Air Traffic Control to takeoff. He also demonstrates the four fundamentals of flight - straight and level, climbs, descents, and turns - ad shows why a stall is nothing to be afraid of. You'll hear actual communications throughout the flight and learn valuable tips from an experienced flight instructor.
dual instruction

How to get started learning to fly

For some, flying is a convenient and cost-effective method of personal or business travel. You can set your own schedule, use airports that airlines don’t serve and leave the hassles of security lines behind. For business use, airplanes allow you to do more in one day than you could do in a week traveling by airline. Flexibility, privacy, security and freedom are all great reasons to use a personal airplane for travel.
steep turn

May is Learn to Fly Month at Sporty’s

May is Learn to Fly Month at Sporty’s, a celebration of learning to fly designed to help new pilots achieve their aviation goals. In addition to offering savings on popular pilot gear and training resources, Sporty’s will be posting inspiring content on its social media channels, presenting webinars, and delivering valuable flight training resources.