Pilot’s guide to special use airspace
It's important for pilots to understand the operating requirements and restrictions regarding Special Use airspace (SUA). SUA consists of Prohibited, Restricted, Warning, Military Operation, Alert, and Controlled Firing Areas. All SUA is depicted on aeronautical charts, except for controlled firing areas (CFA), temporary military operations areas (MOA), and temporary restricted areas.

IFR challenge from Pilot Workshops: What would you do?
In this PilotWorkshops IFR Mastery scenario, you own a Beech Sundowner equipped with upgraded instruments, an IFR GPS and an autopilot. The Sundowner will take you, your spouse and a family friend from Abilene, Texas (KABI) to McAlester, Oklahoma (KMLC). On approach to your destination, you execute a missed approach in low IFR conditions. Should you try this approach again or cut your losses and head to the alternate?

How to use VFR flight plans (video tip)
Pilots should get in the habit of filing and opening VFR Flight Plans when flying away from the local airport environment. Then, in the unlikely event that you have an emergency or off-airport landing, the authorities know to come look for you along your planned route of flight.

Emergency Approach and Landing – Flight Maneuver Spotlight
You need to react thoughtfully and quickly in the event the engine quits or you experience an unexpected loss of power. This week's tip covers a series of memory items to complete to try to restart the engine, and then what to do if a forced landing becomes necessary.

FAA publishes additional airport safety information for select airports
FAA’s From the Flight Deck video series has published “Pilot Handbooks” for 40 airports across the US with new locations added regularly.

Guide to airport taxiway signs and markings (video tip)
All airports with ATC control towers in the U.S. (and some non-towered airports) use a standard set of pavement markings and elevated signs to guide pilots from the parking airport to the active runway. In this video, we'll explore the location and meaning of each in a simulated 3D airport environment so that you'll be well prepared on what to expect when taxiing at a large airport.

4 Tips to Make the Most out of Your Flight Lesson
Every moment in the cockpit is precious, especially given the…

Sporty’s introduces new book – Learn to Fly: A Comprehensive Guide to Private Pilot Training
Sporty's recently released a new book, Learn to Fly: A Comprehensive Guide to Private Pilot Training. Filled with honest advice from Sporty’s team of flight instructors, this book is the aspiring pilot’s introduction to the fascinating world of aviation

Ask a CFI: Can a pilot fly through a MOA?
A military operations area (MOA) is airspace established below 18,000' MSL to separate non-hazardous military flight activities (air combat maneuvers, air intercepts, low altitude tactics, etc.) from IFR aircraft and to identify for VFR aircraft where these activities are being conducted.

Video Tip: How to perform a Cessna 172 exterior preflight
The airplane preflight inspection is performed before each flight to ensure that all the required paperwork is on board, that the airplane systems are working properly and that the correct amount of fuel and oil are in the tanks. It's your chance to really look the airplane over inside and out to assure yourself that it's ready to fly, because once you're airborne, you just can't pull over in case something goes wrong.