March 2024 test question update from Sporty’s
Sporty's recently released its March written test question update in its 2024 Learn to Fly Course test preparation module. While the FAA does not publish actual test questions, representative test questions are available, and new questions released by Sporty's represent emphasis areas which you will likely enounter on the test.

Video tip: power-off stalls
This week's tip covers a topic that all pilots need to know: power-off stalls. Learn how to practice them the right way, and how the location of the center of gravity (CG) affects stall speed.

FAA introduces new runway safety technology for controllers
The FAA recently announced the launch of a new surface safety tool, called Approach Runway Verification (ARV), at air traffic control towers across the nation to improve safety at airports.
ARV provides controllers with visual and audible alerts if an approaching aircraft is lined up to land on the wrong airport surface, or even the wrong airport.

Normal Landings – HD Flight Maneuver Spotlight
All pilots look forward to learning how to master the approach and landing since it is one of the most dynamic moments of every flight. Follow along with our 3D flight maneuver video to see how it's done.

VFR Challenge: Getting Down in the UP
You made a series of reasonable decisions in the name of comfort and safety, only to create a situation where you’re tight on both fuel and options. Will you wager your last hour of fuel on making just one landing at the airport beneath you or take the chance on making it to an alternate?

Airspace operations at Class C and D airports (video tip)
Class C and D airspace will surround airports that can handle a moderate amount of air traffic. This means there are some important restrictions to remember any time you're operating within - or underneath this airspace. In this week's video tip, we review how Class C and D airspace works, what you need to do to fly legally in it and how to stay safe.

Training courses from Pilot Workshops available through Sporty’s Pilot Training app
A collection of new courses and digital pilot manuals from the team at PilotWorkshops is now available in the extensive Sporty's Pilot Training app platform. These new training products were designed to take your VFR and IFR flying skills to the next level and maximize the utility of your pilot certificate.

Video Tip: Convective outlook charts
The week's tip looks at the Convective Outlook chart, which provides both short and long-term planning guidance for determining the location and intensity of thunderstorm activity.

Quiz: Airplane Weight and Balance
Calculating the airplane's weight and balance is a mandatory task you must complete before every flight. Many of an airplane's performance, handling, and structural characteristics are a function of weight and balance, not to mention the safety risks associated with operating an overloaded or out-of-balance airplane.