Flight Start Helps Student Pilots Choose Their Path
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Flight Start focuses on the prospective pilot’s personality and ambition, and offers guidance on assembling an aviation “welcome” plan that is personalized for the new student.

Learn to Fly Month at Sporty’s begins Monday, May 1
May is Learn to Fly Month at Sporty’s, a 31-day celebration of flight training designed to help new pilots achieve their aviation goals. In addition to savings on popular pilot gear, Sporty’s will launch a new YouTube video series, host a number of interactive webinars, post over two dozen articles, and even pay some FAA knowledge tests.

Video tip: how to spot in-flight traffic
Collision avoidance skills are emphasized early on in the flight training process, and it's important that you make an effort to keep your eyes out the window as much as possible when practicing maneuvers. This week's video takes a look at a few tips you can incorporate on your next flight to help spot nearby traffic, along with some new technology innovations that allow you to display nearby traffic right on your favorite aviation iPad app.

Turns Around a Point – Flight Maneuver Spotlight
Ground reference maneuvers provide the opportunity to refine your flying skills by learning to fly the airplane over a predetermined path over the ground while compensating for the effects of the wind.

Sporty’s webinar video: Top 10 ForeFlight Features You Probably Didn’t Know About
With all the updates and feature additions that have been implemented over the last few years, a few of the tips and tricks have slipped through the average aviator's repertoire. Join ForeFlight's own Josh Berman and Brandon Walker for a highlight of some of the lesser known abilities of ForeFlight.

The FAA publishes AIM update – change 3 effective April 20, 2023
The FAA recently published Change 3 of the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) effective April 20, 2023. The updated AIM is available now in the Sporty’s online course portal at www.sportys.com/mycourses.

Always leave yourself an out
We want to have a general understanding of obstructions, terrain, airports, landmarks and any type of airspace restrictions or potential weather hazards located within this band all the way from takeoff to landing. One vital element of contingency planning relates to fuel.

FAA updates collision avoidance advisory circular
FAA has issued a new version of the Pilots’ Role in Collision Avoidance, AC90-48E, with new and recent examples where pilots have failed in this task. This revision to the AC incorporates additional information regarding pilot actions, procedures, Notices to Air Missions (NOTAM), and aircraft technology to mitigate the risk of a pilot causing or being involved in a ground collision, in-flight collision, or NMAC.

What pilots need to know about charging plugs, batteries, and cables
Portable electronic devices have become more and more common on the GA flight deck since the turn of the century. From early GPS navigators gaining popularity in flight bags to a company offering a mini computer with a touchscreen that could make phone calls in mid-2007, these devices have improved safety as well as convenience when we fly.