Changes to written testing coming April 24 and PHAK addendum published
Beginning Monday, April 24, the Private Pilot Airplane test time will be reduced from 150 minutes to 120 minutes (2 hours), and the Commercial Pilot Airplane test time will be reduced from 180 minutes to 150 minutes (2.5 hours).

What’s in my flight bag?
Every pilot has their preferred carry items - some ranging from simply a sectional chart and a headset to others carrying every piece of aviation technology they could possibly get their hands on. I find it best to travel somewhere in the middle.

FAA issues new SAFO amid multiple runway safety events
Amid a number of notable and high visibility runway safety events…

Video tip: How to determine the wind direction for takeoff and landing
When departing or approaching an airport, it's important that you choose a runway that allows you to takeoff or land into the wind. This week's tip looks at some common wind direction indicators found on the ground at many airports, along with how to use the radio to tune into automated weather reporting systems.

Lazy Eights: Commercial flight maneuver spotlight
The lazy eight is one of several maneuvers you'll learn to fly during your training towards the Commercial Pilot certificate. It is designed to develop the proper coordination of the flight controls across a wide range of airspeeds and attitudes and will give you a new appreciation for energy management and precise airplane control.

Flying for youth
As a flight instructor, I am often asked the question, "How old do you have to be to start learning to fly?"
The short answer to the question is that there is no minimum age for a child to begin learning to fly. The longer answer is a bit more complicated and I will attempt to discuss that here.

Reminder of the dangers associated with carb ice
An instructor and student received a powerful reminder of the dangers of carburetor ice. Carburetor ice occurs due to the effect of fuel vaporization and the decrease in air pressure which causes a sharp temperature drop.

Video Tip: Steep turns in flight
Steep turns are one of those core pilot skills - whether you're a new student pilot or an experienced pro, being able to complete this maneuver safely and smoothly requires coordination and good "seat of the pants" flying. Learn some helpful tips for making better steep turns in our latest video tip.

Busy instrument arrival demands planning, precision and patience
The secret is out…it is sunny and warm in south Florida. And…